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I’ll tell you why the Contiani are less bold about Conte’s party

I'll tell you why the Contiani are less bold about Conte's party

No quiet after the storm of the narrow vote of confidence in the Senate. The government majority is struggling to strengthen and the polls on Conte's party are no longer so exciting …

Without wanting to get to the "panic" attributed by the Sheet to Giuseppe Conte, collaborators and friends even after the success they attributed too soon by giving Matteo Renzi for isolated, doomed and so on, I don't think it was comforting at Palazzo Chigi to read in the Corriere della Sera of the survey just carried out by Nando Pagnoncelli's Ipsos. Which somewhat reduces the popularity of Giuseppe Conte by lowering to 40 percent the favor of the continuation of his now bungled government and bringing the hope of an "alternative" to an equally 40 percent, so we can well speak of a split country in the middle.


No less disheartening is the result of the survey by Alessandra Ghisleri, who in the press reported that 53 per cent of Italians were not at all satisfied with the now reclusive majority of the government: a percentage aggravated, for the Prime Minister, by a strong participation – 35.9% – regular voters of the Democratic Party. Within which, as also among the grillini themselves according to some political chronicles, fears, worries and tensions increase due to the tightening of Conte's relations with the Renzians who have now escaped the decimation announced or expected on the eve of the vote of confidence in the Senate. But also or above all due to the growing difficulties encountered by the Prime Minister and his emissaries in an attempt to extend the majority, or former grillini, to "responsible", "willing" and others from the center right, or former grillini, at least within the promised ten or fifteen days to the impatient Sergio Mattarella at the Quirinale.


That the search for the "willing" – even before those of the UDC were not surprised and traumatized by the resignation of their secretary Lorenzo Cesa, who ended up under judicial investigation in Calabria for criminal association aggravated by the mafia method – was of very unlikely success they have also understood in the editorial staff of the Fatto Quotidiano , where Conte's admirers are wasted as much as those obsessed with Renzi. The cartoonist Vauro Senesi has today closed Conte, tired from the speed of his chase run of who knows who, in a cylinder that turns empty.


On the other hand, rather than widening, the relative and concise majority gathered by the Prime Minister in the Senate last Tuesday is already in danger of being reduced next Wednesday in the face of the report of the head of the grillina delegation to the government Alfonso Bonafede, keeper of the seals and political discoverer of the lawyer of room in Palazzo Chigi, on the state of justice and the very divisive reform that he plans to carry out. The obstinate and substantial refusal to modify the short prescription, up to the first degree sentence, introduced as a suppository in the law known as "corrupt sweeps" and in force for more than a year now, has already induced that kind of matriculation of the new majority that can be considered the wife of Clemente Mastella , senator Alessandrina Lonardo, to warn that family experience in the courts prevents her from voting on Bonafede's report.

Problems of guarantee are also felt by Riccardo Nencini, the " intellectual end " who, courted in the Senate classroom, gave Conte his vote of confidence, discarding the abstention from which he was also tempted not to break with the Renzians. Thanks to which in 2019 he was able to set up an autonomous group with the double name of the PSI and of Italia viva.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/vi-racconto-perche-i-contiani-sono-meno-baldanzosi-sul-partito-di-conte/ on Sat, 23 Jan 2021 07:23:06 +0000.