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PNRR? The big missed opportunity can turn into a big default. Here because

PNRR? The big missed opportunity can turn into a big default. Here because

The speech by the general secretary of Motus-E, Dino Marcozzi, on the developments of the NRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan)

A country that has strategic plans and updated dossiers should have no difficulty in directing funds disbursed to deal with an emergency such as the economic-health one produced by the pandemic. He opens the files and quickly draws up a plan on how to feed them. If, on the other hand, we are in Italy, the available funds which, we recall, will have to be repaid to a large extent by our grandchildren in 2056, become the object only of a classic “assault on diligence” such as the one we are witnessing.

Thus, the Plan presented last night in the Council of Ministers, beyond the "political" fibrillations, on which we do not enter into the matter, and which have in any case overturned on the same level, can easily be assimilated to a kind of "milleproroghe", absolutely unable to show a vision of what we want to be in the next 30 years.

There are certainly public investments, but little capable of stimulating a real recovery by private capital, which will continue to remain calm in the current accounts of Italians. Of course, there are no tools and metrics capable of measuring the performance of tasks, almost responding to a logic such as "give us the money, then I'll know what to do with it". And this is not exactly what Europe is asking of us to deliver them.

Finally, and here we come to the topics of interest of our association, within the new Plan there is no authentically sustainable breath, which must pass through Renewables, Digitization, Circular Economy and Electrification of consumption.

For renewables it seems that there are only off-shore wind farms, for digitalization there is confusion about 5G and public administration without explaining how a lot of money can stimulate private capital, the circular economy is confused with waste management and, finally, on electrification is silent.

In particular not a word on the automotive industry which also occupies a considerable part of the GDP and which today is starting a great technological transition, to be absolutely completed to avoid losing track of what is happening throughout Europe.

Here, precisely the energy and technological transition are the themes that are specifically lacking.

Yet another proof that Italy has no strategic plans in this regard.

Do we have time to fix it? We at Motus-E do not lose the optimism of the will, it is the last thing to cling to, on the edge of the abyss.

Dino Marcozzi

Motus-E general secretary


who is Motus-E

MOTUS-E is an association made up of industrial operators, academia and associations with the aim of accelerating the development of electric mobility in Italy through dialogue with institutions, public involvement and training and information programs. It was founded in May 2018 and today has over 60 associates and partners including car manufacturers, utilities, electricity and charging infrastructure providers, the battery supply chain, consulting firms, rental companies, universities, environmental associations and consumer associations.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/emobility/pnrr-la-grande-occasione-persa-puo-trasformarsi-in-un-grande-default-ecco-perche/ on Wed, 13 Jan 2021 14:27:38 +0000.