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Pnrr, training and work: why we need to change pace

Pnrr, training and work: why we need to change pace

Alessandra Servidori's post

They are not just 500 cards, they are 2000 pages and reading them is really complicated, especially on the computer. But so much because if you don't study how to be proactive even when the confusion is great and the hope is great. Meanwhile, debt is still not advisable because the Italian numbers are devastating. In 2023 there will be the end of the stability pact and also the famous Quantitative easing which, through the purchase of Italian bonds by the ECB, has allowed us to survive even before the Sars falcidia.

Our debt is now at 160% of GDP or has grown to 2644 billion as the Observatory of Social Security Routes has well explained with the budget gaps that pile up and since savers will not subscribe btp and cct with negative interests, the situation is dramatic. .

The liquidity to SMEs does not arrive and the tax burden increases to 43.1% obviously due to lower tax and contribution revenues, therefore asking for fixed budget variances is wrong because increasing the debt is self-harm.

According to scientific forecast studies, the PNRR should succeed in creating 750 thousand jobs for every billion euros, so the truth is that the resources that come to us must be spent well.

And all by 2026, which means making plans and executing and reporting them. We must therefore fill the contents of the Pnrr titles on work with the contents and choose a criterion to invest them and for this reason a great and very strong cultural revolution is necessary to restart from a positive trust between businesses and the State and citizens and the State. It therefore means eliminating bureaucratic procedures to be able to spend money because the implementation part of the NRP must bet on people, on trust that automatically simplifies the procedures.

It is wrong to continue investing in Employment Centers which must certainly be reformed, but it takes time and we don't have any and we must admit that up to now they have redistributed political revenues and do not produce value. Hiring navigators who have no practical experience and skills and even bringing them to 10,000 is wrong because it is Anpal that needs to be reformed with the support of an integrated Ministry of Labor and Regions.

We need to invest with agreements on employment agencies, leaving governance to the state, because we must aim at a fluidization of the labor market of the meeting between supply and demand and retraining of people who lose their jobs with targeted and fast training.

In the Pnrr there is no stimulus to job creation for new businesses or existing businesses (except for female ones but modestly) and the gap between the world of work and education / training continues relentlessly. Companies can and must be able to participate in what they require to teach and therefore an intense great practice is indispensable for the integration between training and direct practice in the company.

On Vocational Training, the European Company for 2021/26 has placed a good 43 billion and it must be understood that there are 1.5 billion that exceed the latest investments by 5 times and we must put together schools / universities / businesses and invest on the dual system by experimenting and strengthening the 1st level apprenticeship in the period of one year during the study.

We did not put anything into the training / vocational education system and therefore the strengthening of the professional institutes in the NRP. We need the Regions to apply the law 53/2004, the so-called Moratti law, which decreases the high school dropout in order to learn a trade because it means social cohesion.

Merit must be rewarded and therefore real evaluation systems must be created by intercepting excellence. In essence, we must immediately share a criterion of how to put reforms to ground, thinking for example about trust in overcoming the procurement problem: if someone steals then punish him but you cannot punish everyone and that is, you have to rebuild or build the trust between entrepreneur and state.

The relationship between public and private is decisive because it is a country affected by anti-business modalities both in the PA and in the courtrooms.

We need to get out of a social block that does not give young women opportunities while the Agencies (80%) help to find work and know how to do work.

We have 6.5 billion on training but we need to network the Regions and the State guaranteeing subsidiarity between them and clarify the skills that are needed and that must be created quickly. For example for all those who lose their jobs what to do about their skills? What to do for small and medium-sized enterprises: the new skills fund is already cannibalized by the large companies that are organizing themselves but we are a country with 93% of small companies, so it is them that we must look to by creating training chains.

For the first time we are faced with three generations who need help at the same time: the 20-year-olds, the 50-year-olds, the 70-year-olds and therefore how to transfer knowledge or socialize new experiences. Other than just blocking layoffs. The union must change pace and so must we.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/blog/pnrr-formazione-e-lavoro-perche-occorre-cambiare-passo/ on Tue, 11 May 2021 09:31:03 +0000.