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Rubber-plastic sector, all the news of the contract

Rubber-plastic sector, all the news of the contract

Signed the hypothesis of an agreement for the renewal of the national labor contract in the rubber-plastic sector. Facts, numbers and comments

Yesterday evening, between the negotiating delegation of Filctem Cgil, Femca Cisl, Uiltec Uil and the representatives of the Plastic Rubber Federation, the hypothesis of an agreement was signed for the renewal of the national labor contract in the sector, which employs around 150,000 workers in almost 5,500 companies, and in which multinationals such as Pirelli, Michelin, Prysmian and Bridgestone operate. The contract expired on December 31st and will be valid until December 31st 2025.

Daniela Piras, Secretary General of Uiltec, commented positively on the outcome of the contractual dispute: “A result – she said – which was not at all obvious and which is consistent with our strategy of generating wage authority in the national contract. A non-exhaustive answer, but significant for the wages of workers in the sector".

Economic part of the rubber-plastic contract

The overall increase (TEC) in the three-year period will be 167 euros and the total salary amount will be 4019 euros.

In fact, the signed agreement provides for an average increase on the minimums (MET) of 153 euros (cat. F). The increase will be distributed in 3 "tranches": 61 euros from 1 January 2023; 45 euros from 1 January 2024; 47 euros from 1 April 2025.

As far as contractual welfare is concerned, from 1 January 2024 14 euros will be allocated to supplementary health funds for all workers in the sector.

Regulatory part

Industrial Relations are strengthened through the strengthening of the observatory on the issue of equal opportunities, the monitoring of female employment and company agreements, aimed at gaining knowledge of good practices. In addition, discussions are opened with supply chains interconnected to the sector, for joint initiatives and for the dissemination of good contractual practices and the achievement of gender equality.

Particular attention was paid to the latter issue, with the recognition of two months paid in addition to the three envisaged by law, in the event of gender-based violence, in addition to the 4 hours of training per year on the topic.

The health and safety chapter was also improved, through the implementation of the inter-confederation agreement and the law on reasonable accommodation. In fact, the individual annual paid leaves for each RLS are increased, going from 40 to 72 hours for companies with over 15 employees, from 30 to 48 hours for companies with 6 to 15 employees and from 12 to 24 hours for companies up to 5 employees.

With respect to the issue of rights, attention is paid to issues concerning fragility, providing for the separation from the amount of days of absence for life-saving therapies and the communication relating to the overall period of retention of the job to the worker who requests it, in addition to the definition of the guidelines to promote the institution of solidarity holidays.

The following are also recognised: an additional day of annual leave, in the event of illness of a minor between the ages of 3 and 10; the divisible nature of parental leave; the full accrual of the ROL for the paid absences of the 10 days following the birth of the child and for the use of the monthly leave of law 104; the recognition of as many paid days as are necessary for checks, sampling, hospitalization and convalescence for bone marrow donors and the interconfederal framework agreement on smart working is implemented.

Of particular importance is the intervention on contractual welfare. Since 1 January 2024, registration in the sector health fund has been recognized for all workers wholly dependent on companies and it is expected that the worker who wants to contribute with an additional quota will access a more complete health plan.

The word now passes to the workers who, in the assemblies in the workplace, will vote for this agreement.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/rinnovo-ccnl-gomma-plastica/ on Fri, 27 Jan 2023 10:58:34 +0000.