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Sco, what are China, India and Russia up to?

Sco, what are China, India and Russia up to?

Tunes, objectives and scenarios of China, India and Russia

Tomorrow we vote, at 11 pm I will listen to the projections, then I will go to sleep. Given my age, I am aware that these will be the last political elections I will attend. From here on I will have the opportunity to metabolize the words of St. Augustine: “Death is nothing. I just walked over to the other side, it's like I was hiding in the next room. I'm still me, and you're still you".

Politically, as apòta I am indifferent to the outcome of the elections. I've already said and written it. I am certain, certified by experience, that whoever wins will not change anything, he will be allowed some ideological-unrealistic banality, such as the "State e-commerce portal". I wonder how such a childishly bizarre idea could have arisen in a Western world conceived in the image and likeness of Amazon, imprisoned as we are by the ruthless protocols of Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates.

Don't worry, whoever wins, power will continue to be delegated to the obtuseness of a battery of algorithms (Mario Draghi reassures us ".. so there is automatic pilot"), managed by a battery of obtuse butlers-bureaucrats from 27 countries, led by a German baroness, dressed in the pastel colors of sky and wheat, on the basis of relentless notarial agreements approved by individual parliaments. Hierarchically above them is no Specter, but, in no particular order, the G7, a handful of CEOs from Silicon Valley and Wall Street, a battery of very powerful consulting firms, a battery of mainstream media producing industrial doses of fake truth ad usum plebe . Curiously, they call this verticalized powerhouse "parliamentary democracy". And they pretend that she is elected by the people.

Returning to us, I find it absolutely ridiculous to fear the victory of the so-called Melonian-Salvinian-Berlusconian right, given that the "original right", the one located in the ZTL, has loved to disguise itself for decades and represent itself as a left-reformist, making of power and immobility socio-economic-salottiera his figure. They have been governing continuously for over a decade, and will continue to do so.

I have spent the last few years studying the CEO capitalism model and I was almost convinced, with horror, of its invincibility. Instead, with the arrival of the Pandemic first and the Ukrainian War later, I realized that I was blatantly wrong. In the management of these two phenomena, basically banal, the intellectual and decision-making misery of the current Euro-American leadership emerged. They all got it wrong, they even got the sanctions wrong, in technical terms, by reversing the taps. Honestly I didn't expect it, I made them better, especially more structured in strategic terms. And more professionally gifted in terms of execution. A delusion.

Today, many Western countries are split in two, many unbeknownst to them are on the verge of civil war, yet they pontificate and still consider themselves the masters of the world, for an alleged moral superiority and their dollar / euro. Recently, in response to a criminal act by Vladimir Putin, the United States and Europe removed the SWIFT from the tabernacle of power and aimed it at Russia: in the medium term it will be destroyed. SWIFT does not forgive. Putin is technically dead when they stole their current accounts deposited with the Fed from the Russian Central Bank.

The other countries, China and India in the first place, did not take it well, they understood that one day the theft in dexterity could touch them. Thus was born the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization), brutally, the "Rest of the World" which, without saying it explicitly, no longer accepts the world leadership of the United States and the Dollar / Euro. If the Turkish Sultan and Prince MBS join the SCO in China, India, Russia, the game is over, the critical mass is there. On the implications about our interests, each of us makes his own assessments, based on his sensitivities and skills.

Now, with the SCO, whether we like it or not, we Westerners will have to learn to live in an authentically and dramatically (for us only) multipolar world. We are no longer in the magical world of noble theories and objectives, but we are immersed in the dirty world of execution. Will the stench in the nose of our salon leadership dissipate into CO2? We will see.


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/sco-cina-india-russia/ on Sun, 25 Sep 2022 06:14:15 +0000.