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Silvia Merlo, here is the curriculum of the future president of Saipem

Silvia Merlo, here is the curriculum of the future president of Saipem

News at the top of Saipem. Silvia Merlo will be the next president and the current president Caio will be the next CEO in place of Cao. Here is what the shareholders Eni and Cdp have decided. And Merlo's full curriculum

News at the top of Saipem.

The current president Francesco Caio will be the next CEO in place of Stefano Cao.

And instead of Gaius as president there will be Silvia Merlo, now on the board of Erg among other things.

Here is who Merlo is and what the shareholders Eni (30%) and Cdp Industria (12%) have decided for the next board of directors of Saipem.


Silvia Merlo
Born in Cuneo on July 28, 1968
Married, two children


"BNP Paribas Women Entrepreneur Program" Stanford Graduate School of Business (California)

“In the Boardroom – Valore D” training program Milan

Degree in Business Administration from LIUC in Castellanza (VA)

Degree in Business Administration from SAA of Cuneo

Classical High School Diploma obtained at the Liceo Classico "Silvio Pellico" in Cuneo

Professional path

CEO of Merlo SpA – around 450 million euros of Group turnover – around 1,200 employees, engineering industry, operating in the sector of telescopic handlers, self-loading concrete mixers, systems and technologies for handling and lifting, operating all over the world through a distribution network made up of 6 branches and over 600 dealers.

CEO of Tecnoindustrie Merlo SpA – approximately 35 million in turnover, a company that designs, produces and sells integrated systems for ecology, for the collection and transport of solid urban waste.

Positions held on the Boards of Directors of the minor companies of the Merlo Group (Treemme Tecnology Srl, Ibis SpA, Co.imm.i. Srl, Ergos Srl, Movimatica Srl and Merlo Srl Training and Research Center).

Member of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of Banca Cassa di Risparmio di Savigliano SpA from April 2006 to April 2012.

Member of the Board of Directors of Leonardo SpA since May 2011 – a company listed on the Stock Exchange, with a turnover of approximately € 15 billion, the leading Italian industrial group in the high technology sector and one of the top 10 global players in Aerospace, Defense and Security.

Member of the Control and Risk Committee of Leonardo SpA since May 2011.

Member of the International Scenarios Analysis Committee of Leonardo SpA since June 2014.

Member of the Board of Directors of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro SpA from April 2012 to December 2015.

Member of the Nomination Committee of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro SpA from April 2015 to December 2015.

Member of the Board of Directors of GEDI Gruppo Editoriale SpA since April 2013 – A listed company operating in the media sector with activities in the areas of daily and periodical press, radio, advertising, internet and television.

Member of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of GEDI Gruppo Editoriale SpA from April 2013 to April 2015.

Member of the Control and Risk Committee of GEDI Gruppo Editoriale SpA since April 2015.

Member of the Board of Directors of ERG SpA since April 2015 – Listed company operating in the energy sector. First wind energy producer group in Italy and one of the top ten in Europe. Group active in the production and marketing of electricity and steam.

Member of the Nomination and Compensation Committee of ERG SpA since April 2015



Eni SpA and CDP Industria SpA, in relation to the Shareholders' Meeting of Saipem SpA called for next 30 April 2021, in single call, and called to resolve, among other things, regarding the appointment of Directors, as required by the agreement shareholders in place between the two companies, will present a joint list with the following candidates:

– Silvia Merlo,
– Francesco Caio,
– Alessandra Ferone,
– Pier Francesco Ragni,
– Marco Reggiani,
– Paola Tagliavini.

Francesco Caio is the candidate with the specific professional skills for the appointment as CEO of the company.

The deposit with Saipem will be made within the terms and in the manner prescribed by law, by the Articles of Association of Saipem, by the notice calling the Shareholders 'Meeting and by the shareholders' agreement. Eni and CDP Industria will also submit the following proposals to the Shareholders' Meeting of Saipem:

– appoint Silvia Merlo as Chairman of the Board of Directors;

– confirm the current remuneration of the Directors, proposing, therefore, to set the gross annual remuneration due to each Director (including the Chairman) at € 60,000, in addition to the reimbursement of expenses incurred for the office.

Eni SpA is the owner of no. 308,767,968 ordinary shares of Saipem SpA representing 30.542% of all ordinary shares. CDP Industria SpA is the owner of no. 126,905,637 ordinary shares of Saipem SpA representing 12.553% of all ordinary shares.

As is known, Eni SpA and CDP Industria SpA have signed a shareholders' agreement concerning ordinary shares of Saipem SpA, the essential information of which is available on the
site of Saipem SpA and Consob.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/energia/silvia-merlo-ecco-il-curriculum-del-futuro-presidente-di-saipem/ on Fri, 02 Apr 2021 13:35:12 +0000.