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Super Dragon melons in Kiev

Super Dragon melons in Kiev

Rome with the Meloni government remains on the side of the attacked and of the West, following the line drawn by Draghi with conviction. Guiglia's notebook

There could not have been a more important gesture to remind Italians and the world which side the government is on in Putin's war against Ukraine.

As Mario Draghi had done in the famous train journey with Scholz and Macron to Ukraine, Giorgia Meloni also spent ten hours in the carriage that took her from Poland to Kiev at night to be able to say in person to President Zelensky, and just on the eve of the first year of conflict, these words: "Ukraine's struggle is like the Italian Risorgimento: we will not waver".


A special visit, because the Prime Minister also wanted to be accompanied to Bucha and Irpin, the places of horror that moved her. Now there must be no more misunderstandings. Not even in the face of Berlusconi's unfortunate pro-Putin outings, "he's never had his house bombed or relatives killed," Zelensky commented icily. No more ambiguity even with respect to the at least initial utterances of the other ally, Salvini, or the last transformist position of the opponent Conte: Rome remains on the side of the attacked and of the West, following the line drawn by Draghi with conviction.

Therefore, a decisive signal for the foreign policy of a large European country which is called to take sides with clarity and loyalty.

In the case of Ukraine invaded and hit by a storm of fire and blood since February 24, 2022, right and wrong cannot be confused under the fog of diplomacy. Not even altering politically to smooth the hair of the part of public opinion ready to gloss over Putin's crimes (for which a court is being invoked by many) in order to get to the end of the conflict. Everyone in Europe wants peace, but no one wants the simple surrender of the victim to her violent aggressor.


In the same hours in which Biden from Warsaw praised Kiev's resistance, emphasizing that this time "the world has not turned away", and while Putin returned to evoking the nuclear threat, Giorgia Meloni said that the peace initiative will have to start from Zelensky. And that Italy is working on a conference on reconstruction scheduled for April.

This too is a political choice: to devote every effort to giving life to a negotiation, "but until then we will give all military, financial and civilian support". A just peace, that's how to end the war.

(Published in L'Arena di Verona, Il Giornale di Vicenza and Bresciaoggi)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/giorgia-meloni-kiev-draghi/ on Thu, 23 Feb 2023 06:39:02 +0000.