
The little theater set up by Salvini and Tajani

The little theater set up by Salvini and Tajani

What happens between Salvini and Tajani? Damato 's Scratches

There is no doubt that Antonio Tajani, who turned 71 last August 4, likes the table, perhaps even more than the table, and has problems getting on the scales, if he still gets on them, to see the weight he has reached. . That in this respect he needs to contain himself, to repeat an expression dear to the discoverer of his political, as well as journalistic, talent, Silvio Berlusconi, who took him from the Roman editorial office of the Giornale to take him to Palazzo Chigi as spokesperson, and then send him to Parliament European to gain experience even at an international level, it is equally safe. He impresses me, as a friend, every time I see him on television with that physique and that gait reminiscent of the Soviet nomenclature of the times when the Kremlin hierarchs went up on the stage in Red Square for military parades, risking making it collapse.

But all this does not authorize Matteo Salvini, who is at least his ally, if not more of a friend, sharing with him the role of vice president of the Council and important minister, to practically call him a drunk. As he did yesterday, reproachful him in the press for having "eaten too much" for having expressed concerns about the electoral growth of the far right also in Austria. Which, however, the Northern League leader is very happy about, although his friends in Vienna, unlike him in Italy, will probably not be able to go into government due to the so-called cordon between the health worker and the politician on which the president of that Republic. What numbers in Parliament to bet on, albeit calmly.

Even the opposition press is now accustomed to Salvini's outbursts: at least those on the international relations front, protesting vociferously only on the judicial side, where the vice president of the Council acts as accused of kidnapping and other charges for having delayed five years ago the landing of almost 150 illegal migrants on the Italian coast from a ship with a Spanish flag that had rescued them.

Salvini's outburst against Tajani in defense of the Austrian far right, on the eve of the Northern League rally in Pontida, only ended up on a few front pages with single-column headlines, as they say in technical jargon. Marco Travaglio's Il Fatto Quotidiano even ignored her, even in the "nastiness" of the day. The Paper Republic did not go beyond a reminder about the penultimate, I believe, "brawl" albeit verbal between the Northern League leader and his own allies.

The Prime Minister, at least until the moment of writing, perhaps in order not to get spoiled and not enjoy the celebrations for her first two years at the helm of the government, pretended not to hear or read. But he can hardly pretend not to understand, I think.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL on Tue, 01 Oct 2024 06:21:27 +0000.