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The paper brawls on dates, reopenings and Dragons

The paper brawls on dates, reopenings and Dragons

The Scratches of Damato

One reads the opening title of a newspaper not just recently, a small newspaper or small newspaper of the province, but of the Stampa , which Giuseppe Conte has just discovered as the flagship – other than the Republic – of the paper fleet of Gianni Agnelli's heirs lined up with “Too zealous” in favor of Mario Draghi, and he doesn't believe his own eyes by rubbing them. These exact words are attributed to the Prime Minister, complete with quotes that should leave no doubt and could sound like the victory of the demonstrators who returned yesterday to the square to demand the reopening of a bit of everything in order not to be kidnapped for life by the pandemic: " Two weeks to reopen ".

We had just opposed Draghi's seriousness to the frantic requests, including that of Walter Veltroni in the Corriere della Sera , for certain dates to align with "Anglo-Saxon" societies and governments, immune from authoritarian temptations precisely for this precision with the clock or the calendar on the wrist, and we discover that he too has succumbed. It seemed like the late Fernando Santi used to say of his party mate, and also late Francesco De Martino in the years in which he was negotiating with the DC the formation of center-left governments: "Hold on until a moment before giving in" . One almost feels the urge, looking at the first photo of Draghi at hand or on the computer, to take away from him and throw away those glasses that contribute to making him appear severe.

Calm down though. Leave your glasses in their place as well because the Prime Minister has not stopped doing and above all being the serious person. They just attributed to him what he didn't say. Yes, he took "two weeks", or – if you prefer – 14 days, of which we can even give it one for the past, but only to evaluate the data of the technicians, or scientists, in the meantime elaborated on the progress of the infections also in light effects of the reopening of schools, and then decide if, how and when to reopen the rest. In short, we are not the dates as confetti, albeit Anglo-Saxon and therefore appreciated by Veltroni as an antidote, even, to the dictatorial temptations found elsewhere.

So let us not give up hope of seeing Draghi confront the reality of the pandemic and related emergencies more seriously than his predecessor. That he had a somewhat too elastic relationship with the facts, let's say, as he demonstrated by resisting the formal opening of the crisis even after the resignation of two ministers and an undersecretary from his second government, and the reasons given in the press conference by the leader of their party: the unwelcome -from Conte- but still alive Matteo Renzi. Whose votes in the Senate the then resistant Prime Minister was unable to completely replace with "willing", "responsible" and so on, albeit helped at a distance by the mayor of Benevento Clemente Mastella and, more closely, in the same Senate , by his wife Sandra Lonardo.

Di Speranza, in capital letters, seems to be politically at risk these days only the homonymous Minister of Health, at least according to the advances of the Messenger , unless they turn out to be a bit too risky like those of the Stampa su Draghi, because in this case information should also be added to the various current emergencies.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/le-baruffe-di-carta-su-date-riaperture-e-draghi/ on Tue, 13 Apr 2021 06:17:35 +0000.