The Papocchi dreamed of by Giuliano Amato
Fears and hopes of the former prime minister, Giuliano Amato, on the climate and politics. Damato's Scratches
Still grappling, at 85 years old and well accomplished , lucky him, with the tennis balls as an amateur player, according to his friends and admirers, a champion who failed in his youth only for his choice not to practice this sport as a professional. Giuliano Amato does not forgive the climate for having got into the habit of throwing ice at us like devastating stones. And he avenged himself in his own way by giving precisely to the "terrorist" climate, even worse than those of the years of lead because it was "indiscriminate", unlike the members of the Red Brigades, blacks and above all reds. Who selected their targets even when they practiced "butchery", as the kidnappers of Aldo Moro admitted to having done in via Fani on 16 March 1978, exterminating his escort.
Therefore, other than terrorists are the so-called deniers who, also active in this field, denounce the dangerous reactions of nature to the abuses we make of the territory in which we live and make crap of all types and sizes. The terrorist – I repeat – for Amato is precisely the climate, from which we must defend ourselves by changing our life habits and even throwing it a little into politics. And how? Forming "emergency" majorities to repair the damage done, secure what is no longer secure and appease the crazed and vicious nature in its reactions to the offenses it believes it has received for too long. An emergency like the one practiced at a political level in Italy in the aforementioned years of lead, when Christian Democrats and electorally alternative communists agreed and created the premises, at least, for the long counteraction which in the following years, albeit with different majorities, and among too many funerals in which the then President of the Republic Sandro Pertini attended crying and cursing together, armed violence was defeated.
Then, it's true, would come the mafia massacres and all the rest, including trials and investigations, still ongoing, for complicity, betrayal, negotiations and anything else attributable to politics and even to the state or its parts – hopefully – diverted. But even from that season we managed to pull ourselves out, without even having to give up the physiology of the political struggle, in some way exasperated by the bizarre bipolarity of the so-called second Republic, or of this which some even consider fourth, at least in the titles of certain broadcasts television.
Amato has too much political experience, by now superior even to that of a jurist, to be able to have excessive illusions about the possibility of pacifying the majority and opposition in Italy on a topic of such general interest as the climate, which has also become double, almost triple reading ideological, even now that ideologies are long considered to have disappeared. Behind every gesture or sigh of Prime Minister Meloni there are still too many who see shadows of fascism, if not a real and proper return of fascism, irreconcilable with democracy. Even if she were to decide to extinguish the flame that was the Social Movement in the symbol of her party, Meloni would continue to be suspected of fascist temptations or reincarnations. In this, Elly Schlein's Democratic Party and Giuseppe Conte's 5 Star Movement, after some hesitation, march together, in the squares and not just in a few bars to consume lemonade.
But at the international level the situation is different. The feasibility, let's say, of Meloni is superior because she managed to establish herself as a conservative leader even more than her sister at the head of the "brothers of Italy". His is no longer wishful thinking but a realistic ambition to participate in the majority in the European Parliament which will be renewed next year. And it is precisely in Europe, at whose level the ecological transition is more dutifully and properly manageable, that the former Prime Minister in an interview with Repubblica imagined and hoped for Meloni's participation in a new majority. A participation not to replace the socialists in their now traditional alliance with the popular but to add to both.
To the interviewer, doubtful of so much trust or optimism, who reminded him of Meloni's rallies with the Spanish right – moreover, fresh from an electoral beating that gave the Prime Minister the hoarseness attributed to her by the cartoonist Emilio Giannelli in the Corriere della Sera – Amato replied with his usual subtle way of observing and reasoning. Thanks to the media extremism practiced in Italy by Maurizio Belpietro, who considers the worries about global warming and the causes and effects attributed to it by the Greens and the like to be exaggerated and false, Amato was thus able to defend the Italian premier by distinguishing her from his Hispanic friends : “In the Vox program it is written that the ecological transition is an invention of the elites to take money away from the popular classes. It seems to me that in Italy these extremist positions are confined to the headlines of the newspaper La Verità ”, which is directed precisely by Belpietro. And that he will now treat the president emeritus of the Constitutional Court even worse than he has already done, for the most varied reasons, since the release of the first issue.
This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL on Sat, 05 Aug 2023 05:22:16 +0000.