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What changes with the appointment of Pinelli to the CSM

What changes with the appointment of Pinelli to the CSM

Salvini's role in the election of Fabio Pinelli as first vice president of the CSM. Paola Sacchi's note

And in the end what could be defined as the "Salvini construction site", i.e. the intense daily roadmap of the leader of the League, deputy prime minister, minister of infrastructure and transport, dotted with inaugurations and interventions to unblock works, scores a historic coup even on the justice front.

In spite of what had now been described as a declining leadership, on the verge of being taken over by this or that Northern League major, in a sort of endless media "telenovela in the Po", even at the risk of comedy since it is always denied by the facts first of all, the appointment for the first time as vice president of the CSM of a center-right exponent bears the political signature of Matteo Salvini. A historic turning point.

The Veneto lawyer from Padua, Fabio Pinelli, who prevailed in the Palazzo dei Marescialli over the exponent indicated by the Democratic Party, probably also with the vote of Renzian Ernesto Carbone, is an independent figure, as he himself is keen to underline. He will work for that "sharing" of choices, which the Head of State, Sergio Mattarella, president of the CSM, hopes for, welcoming the election.

But it is a fact that Pinelli was indicated in parliament by Salvini's League in the vote for the lay members of the Superior Council of the Judiciary. Among the first, after Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, to greet his election as Mattarella's number two in the strategic body, already affected by the Palamara scandal, is the powerful governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia. Pinelli was defender of Zaia and the Veneto Region, of the former Northern League undersecretary Armando Siri and also of Salvini's former spin doctor , that Luca Morisi subjected to a real media lynching , paradigmatic of that pillory which the justice reform is called to place a stop, for a story relating to private life through which, "they actually wanted to hit me", Salvini has always denounced. For whom the coup on the vice president of the CSM actually sounds like revenge after the mud of the campaign to delegitimize the leader of the League, which in a few days saw the "Metropol" case closed, so it is not been never even investigated on non-existent Russian funding and receive the compliments of the constitutionalist Sabino Cassese for "the input given to the release of the Procurement Code".

Pinelli is a figure who enjoys important transversal appreciation. He was very close to the other Venetian jurist, Silvio Berlusconi's historic lawyer and Forza Italia parliamentarian, Niccolò Ghedini, but he also enjoys the positive opinion of left-wing figures such as the former president of the Chamber, Luciano Violante, who wanted him on the scientific council of the Italiadecide Foundation.

In his inauguration speech, Pinelli quotes the words of the "kid" martyr judge Rosario Livatino, a hero who is often remembered in the pantheon of the leader of the League, on the need for "credibility".

Immediately congratulating the new vice president of the CSM is Meloni who says: "Best wishes for an excellent job, in the certainty of loyal collaboration with the government to improve justice in Italy". Meloni's words contain the same wish as the message from the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio.

The League wishes "good work to all the newly elected members of the Superior Council of the Judiciary". He defines them as "high-level profiles who we hope will fight the pathologies of current accountism and unbridled careerism in the interest of the country". Even the election of the vice president of the CSM seems to reiterate a perimeter of alliance between the centre-right and the "third pole" on a justice reform which, as Silvio Berlusconi said yesterday in an interview with Corriere della sera , and as Meloni stated, does not wants to be against the judiciary, because, underlines the Cav, "eliminating the abuse of wiretapping does not mean not fighting the mafia and crime". For Berlusconi it is absurd to even think about it.

Yesterday Forza Italia, with the group leader in the Chamber, Alessandro Cattaneo, among the signatories, also presented a bill on the separation of careers. The center-right on justice reform is proceeding united, in spite of those who see only divisions in a plural coalition but who have made this reform one of their priorities in the government program. And even the strengthening of Salvini's leadership objectively can only be a further element of stabilization of the balance of the entire government alliance.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/fabio-pinelli-csm/ on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 06:43:20 +0000.