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What Conte whispered to Draghi to calm the 5-star boils

What Conte whispered to Draghi to calm the 5-star boils

The requests from the ultra-left of the 5 Star Movement chaired by Giuseppe Conte to the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi

The five-star parliamentary groups mainly press for exit from the government, a minority is against it and the president Giuseppe Conte oscillates between the fake barricadero and the mediator artifact.

Result: in the style of the First Republic, M5s calls for discontinuity from the government.

Translation: give us some programmatic sop to justify and confirm the presence in the government majority otherwise we will continue to collapse in the polls (and certainly not due to the birth of the party founded by Luigi Di Maio, Together for the future).

The M5s Giuseppe Conte was at Palazzo Chigi to discuss with Prime Minister Mario Draghi on the permanence of the 5-star Movement in the executive.

The former Prime Minister brought the requests agreed upon by the National Council this morning to the table in Palazzo Chigi.

From the defense of the superbonus (one of the hypotheses is to insert the corrections in an amendment to the tax simplification dl) to the minimum wage, from measures on the social agenda to a confirmation of citizenship income.

Requests with which it binds itself to the support of the Movement to the government. Conte then in the evening will bring together the parliamentary groups to discuss the Farsi, but in the meantime in the early afternoon and awaiting the government's decision on aid. The road should be that of trust in the provision that contains measures for 23 billion in support of families. Reason why a part of the deputies would like to dare to give the green light to the decree.

Conte was clear at the exit of Palazzo Chigi: "I delivered a document" to Prime Minister Draghi, an expression of "a strong political unease" of the 5-star Movement. "We need clear answers in later times", observed Conte, reporting that Draghi has taken.

“We are willing to share a responsibility of government, as done up to now in a fair and constructive way”, the premise of the former prime minister who then listed the steps that, according to him, the government should take. “Yesterday – ha – the prices of energy and gas increased and we must intervene immediately with an extraordinary intervention, 200 euros is not enough. We must approve the Yesterday – has prices – the energy and gas prices have increased and we must intervene immediately with an extraordinary intervention, 200 euros is not enough. We must approve the Yesterday – has prices – the energy and gas prices have increased and we must intervene immediately with an extraordinary intervention, 200 euros is not enough. We must approve the minimum wage , we must offer all contributions an extraordinary installment plan for tax bills. Obviously, we no longer allow citizenship income to be questioned on a daily basis. We want the blocking of superbonus credits to be released ".

And again: “On the Aid decree our position is very clear, we have already anticipated it in the CDM by not participating in the vote: there is a rule that has nothing to do with it and goes against the tradition of the M5S. We are not here to preach the ecological transition by day and to allow new drilling at night, ”explained Conte.

The premier will make his own assessments but – observing center-right parliamentary sources, writes the Agi agency – "Conte must understand that he cannot deal without the host, we are also in the government". The League yesterday made it clear that it does not accept that the government opens a privileged path for the pentastellati. Arguments that Salvini also supported with the Minister of Development Giorgetti in the interview held this morning. cannabis. In short, the tension in the majority shows no signs of abating, also because among the pentastellati there is pessimism about the possibility that the premier can open up to the requests made by Conte. And tonight at the meeting of parliamentarians the different positions within the group will emerge.

Because Conte stressed the willingness to do face to support the government as long as the executive a correction of course. But while a pentastellate wing – the most numerous – is aiming to remove and exit, there is also a part of the 5-star Movement – especially in the Chamber – which, on the other hand, would not want the support of the government.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/che-cosa-ha-sussurrato-conte-a-draghi-per-calmare-i-bollori-a-5-stelle/ on Wed, 06 Jul 2022 13:22:11 +0000.