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What does the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan mean?

What does the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan mean?

Giuseppe Gagliano's italics on the announcement of the withdrawal of US and NATO troops from Afghanistan starting from May 1st

Let's start with the facts. In absolute coherence with the choices made by the previous US administration and NATO, the withdrawal from Afghanistan will begin on May 1st after twenty years of military presence.

As the Secretary of State Antony Blinken pointed out, NATO allies “together went to Afghanistan, together they adapted their presence on the ground and together they will leave the country (in together, adjust together, out together)”.

On the other hand, the major concerns of the previous – as well as the current – American administration are related to Russian politics – specifically the Russian offensive posture in Ukraine – and to Chinese politics.

Beyond the statements of the Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio – which are nothing more than a paraphrase of those of Blinken and whose relevance is therefore nil – even this administration, like the previous one, does not intend to acknowledge the sensational military failure of the war. asymmetric implemented in Afghanistan.

In fact, the Taliban violence continues incessantly in Afghanistan against the Afghan forces, through targeted killings in numerous urban areas.

Not only that: the Taliban continue to have close relations of collaboration with al-Qaeda with the specific aim of dismantling the Afghan forces in Kabul to then take control of the country.

In short: the war on Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan has been essentially lost.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/che-cosa-significa-il-ritiro-delle-truppe-usa-dallafghanistan/ on Thu, 15 Apr 2021 07:53:03 +0000.