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What happens between Turkey and Cyprus

What happens between Turkey and Cyprus

Turkey's behavior towards Cyprus is comparable to that of China towards Taiwan. Here because. Italics by Giuseppe Gagliano

Several times on these pages we are concerned with the conflicting relations between Turkey and Cyprus.

The Republic of Cyprus occupies 2/3 of the island's territory, while the remainder is under the control of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TNRC), which was founded on November 15, 1983 and was recognized only by Turkey.

On the contrary, the Republic of Cyprus is internationally recognized and, since May 2004, has become a member of the European Union.

According to media reports, on November 21, Ali Murat Basceri Tatar, a Turkish envoy, said that the TRNC will never give up Turkey's position as a guarantor country, in response to accusations by the leader of the Republic of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, according to which Ankara has an "uncompromising position".

According to the Turkish envoy, in fact, the Greek and Cypriot administrations have tried to eliminate Turkey's status quo as a guarantor and thus remove Turkish troops from Cyprus.

However, the concerns on the part of the Greek Cypriot administration appear to be well founded if attention is turned to a document that emerged from the European experts' service from which it appears the presence of drones both in the Lefkoniko airport, in the territory of the Turkish Republic of Cyprus. North and in the Bogazi area, where it is assumed that Turkey intends to put in place a military infrastructure.

In short, in some ways the behavior of Turkey is comparable to that of China towards Taiwan.

Furthermore, once again the European Union demonstrates its inability to find a solution to this problem that has been dragging on for too long, while on the other hand Turkey, or rather Turkish foreign policy, demonstrates all its resolve and his ruthlessness. In the Mediterranean. And not only.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/turchia-cipro/ on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 07:56:35 +0000.