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Whirlpool, Gkn and more. Here is truth and hoax about layoffs

Whirlpool, Gkn and more. Here is truth and hoax about layoffs

What is said and not said about the layoffs issue. Cazzola's analysis

Sometimes I wonder which prodest?

I cannot explain to myself why the media conduct exaggerated campaigns bordering on lies when addressing crucial economic and social problems. We could compile a list as long as the equator and evaluate the failures produced by far superior to those of the health emergency because they poison the sources of civil life and create a climate of ignorance and indifference. The last disgrace to correct information is perpetrated on the issue of dismissals after the start of the overcoming of the block (and it is now clear how bad this decision was and how wrong the extensions). The news and the talk shows (but also the newspapers) focus on individual cases of companies that have started – perhaps in a hateful form as the multinationals do – collective dismissal procedures. Moreover, in this way the '' sfascists '' score sensational own goals because they focus on the tree without caring about the forest.

If the dismissals were limited only to the cases that are told (in all we do not get to a thousand workers) we would be in a regime of full employment. To see what the actual trends are, the territory should be monitored, where the procedures required by law in the event of redundancies are initiated (this information should be provided). But above all we insist on representing the difficult situation we are going through as if the layoffs were caused by the end of the blockade and were not an inevitable corollary of a market economy. Even in the most prosperous periods there are companies that fail, that close, that reconvert production and reorganize the activity.

Often, especially in times of crisis, layoffs are a prerequisite for saving businesses. The leap that must be made – through the development of active policies – is to find another job for those who lose their jobs, through training and professional updating; outside the restructuring company, however, because it could not do so if it were loaded – also through the use of a free cig – with excess labor, with '' dead souls '' connected by a legal fiction. Layoffs are nothing new in an economic system.

Let's plunder the Istat statistics of recent years to clarify. Layoffs related to permanent employment relationships went from 647,000 in 2014 to 579,000 in 2018. The share of layoffs on total terminations in 2018 was 36% compared to 42% in 2014; similarly, resignations accounted for 53% in 2018 and 48% in 2014. Most of the dismissals are motivated by economic reasons (precisely those subjected to the block), about nine out of ten, but the incidence of disciplinary ones on total layoffs increased: from 7.4% in 2014 to 13% in 2018.

Most layoffs occur in small businesses (62% in 2018). In particular, employers who have fired employees with permanent employment relationships have also activated – it should be noted – new permanent contracts, at a rate of 1.2 compared to the redundancies carried out (0.7 in small businesses and 2.0 in the larger ones). If we look at the characteristics of the employment relationship concluded with the dismissal, the share of part-time and short-term jobs (which includes the dismissals that occurred during the trial period) is substantial. In 2018, more than one third of permanent employment relationships interrupted by dismissal lasted less than one year; redundancies within three months of hiring are more frequent among young people up to 29 years of age (18.8% compared to 10.8% of the total). The share of workers dismissed in the presence of the requisites required to access NASpI, the income support tool for the unemployed that entered into force in 2015, fluctuates around 60% for the years 2016-2018. Failure to access NASpI is essentially motivated by timely relocation to work which affects about 30% of the dismissed workers. In the residual share (around 10%) there are mainly foreign workers. In 2019, the year before the disaster, there were 503,000 economic layoffs out of a total of 640,000.

'' Alongside the request to "stop everything", the trade union (or at least the FIOM) – wrote Claudio Negro in the bulletin of the Anna Kuliscioff Foundation – formulates another even more demanding one: that is, that the Government draws up an Industrial Policy capable of indicating companies what they need to do, taking social objectives into account. For example, Stellantis should increase car production, to help companies in the automotive supply chain that otherwise lay off ( see GKN ). “A plan for those sectors that are in the process of conversion and restructuring. We need constraints for businesses! " (Run July 14). I would have said so – Negro jokes – but Redavid anticipated me: “a five-year plan” she invoked, with contempt for ridicule … ''. In the canea of ​​collective irresponsibility, an accurate cancel culture operates. The statements by Andrea Orlando are not even mentioned in the interview with Il Foglio in which the minister denied the alarmist rumors. '' At present, in principle, the trend (of layoffs, ed) does not identify a particularly different dynamic from that prior to the pandemic ''. The minister then gave considerations of great common sense. First of all – Orlando confirmed – the block has never prevented layoffs due to the cessation of activities. Furthermore – he added – the Covid case '' was a kind of anesthetic that slowed down some guidelines and some decisions that companies probably already had in mind ''. Then, showing admirable seriousness, the minister disavowed the bogus analyzes of those who connect the case of the new disputes open to the release of the dismissals. Whirlpool-Embraco, Gkn, Gianetti Wheels '' are companies that suffer from previous problems ''.

What to say? Reality is dead! Long live the perception!

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/licenziamenti-whirlpool-gkn-verita-bufale/ on Wed, 21 Jul 2021 07:14:10 +0000.