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Who drives the birth of new businesses. Report

Who drives the birth of new businesses. Report

What emerges from the Movimprese data processed by Unioncamere-InfoCamere relating to the first quarter of 2022

Two years after the onset of the health emergency, the numbers of the Business Register of the Chambers of Commerce indicate a first, partial adjustment of the entrepreneurial birth rate and death rate, without however recovering the pre-pandemic levels yet.

The 101,955 registrations of new economic activities recorded between January and March (in line with last year's figure, after the sharp slowdown in 2020) were answered by 103,104 terminations, for the first time recovering towards more normal values ​​after the strong contraction linked to the '' waiting for government refreshments for the forced reduction of activities.


The balance resulting from the two flows (-1,149 units) illustrates a substantial “stalemate” in the overall dynamics of the entrepreneurial fabric which must be qualified as a “technical” result especially for the level of cancellations, still far from a physiological evolution. Added to this is the weak trend in registrations which, although recovering from the low of the first quarter of 2020, are beginning to register the climate of uncertainty resulting from the geo-political imbalances triggered by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict . Confirming the correlation of the trend in the flow of registrations in the chamber registers with the climate of business confidence which, in the first quarter of the year, recorded a deterioration of about seven points (going from 112.3 points in December 2021 to 105.4 of March 2022).

This is a summary of the scenario that emerges from the Movimprese data processed by Unioncamere – InfoCamere starting from the results of the Register of Companies of the Chambers of Commerce relating to the first quarter of 2022.


With the aforementioned precautions – and bearing in mind the seasonal aspects that influence the financial statements for the first quarter of the year, with the weight of the closures communicated at the end of the previous year and statistically recorded in January – the data for the first quarter of 2022 return the profile of an entrepreneurial system that widens its perimeter above all thanks to the building and related services chain (real estate services and professional, technical and scientific activities) and to business services.


Taken together, these sectors in fact resulted in a balance of 10 thousand more companies in the period (58% of which attributable to construction alone), confirming the boost determined by the incentives in favor of families for the redevelopment of real estate assets. On the opposite front, the other large traditional sectors show negative dynamics, with different trends compared to the last five years. The more negative trade balance (-8,271 units in the quarter) reflects the definitive closure of activities affected by the pandemic which, probably, had waited until the end of 2021 to obtain government relief; those of agriculture (-4.259) and tourism (-1.610 for accommodation and catering) signal a return to more physiological values ​​of the recent past, while the balance of manufacturing activities (-2.230) confirms the figure of last year.


At a macro-territorial level, the overall picture of the first quarter of last year is confirmed with the sole district of the South and Islands showing a barely appreciable slowdown in the balance, which goes from + 0.22% to -0.02%. Among the regions, Lazio (+ 0.25%), Lombardy (+ 0.13%) and Puglia (+ 0.09%) are better than the others, albeit with very low absolute values. The most appreciable reductions emerge instead from the so-called “third Italy” with Marche, Molise, Umbria and Abruzzo which show a negative growth in the number of companies ranging from -0.43% to -0.21%.


Finally, from the organizational point of view, the strength of the joint-stock company formula is confirmed for those who decide today to embark on an entrepreneurial initiative. Between January and March 31,830 joint-stock companies were born, compared with 17,341 that closed their doors, for a balance in the period equal to 14,489 more companies. Against these, the perimeter of sole proprietorships was further reduced, down by 11,573 units.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/chi-traina-la-nascita-di-nuove-imprese-report/ on Fri, 29 Apr 2022 10:58:19 +0000.