Who facilitates and who excludes the Ristori decrees
Here are numbers, details and controversies on the Ristori decrees
This week the 2021 Budget Law should finally arrive in Parliament. It is already late compared to the set deadline (if it was not approved by 31 December, there is a risk of incurring the provisional exercise and the danger, between ladies at home for Covid and Chambers in possible lockdown is far from remote) and will almost certainly contain the forecast of a new spending overrun, the third of the year. It was, moreover, inevitable given that the tail blow of the pandemic has imposed further state aid on companies and a third one is already planned, the "business rescue", of which only the name is known. While waiting to find out more, we can try to understand if the two Ristori decrees launched in a hurry together with the last two Dpcm are really helping those who have been forced to close.
Compared to the first decree, with the latest text developed by the Minister for the Economy, Roberto Gualtieri , about twenty activities have been added, from tourist buses to dance schools, passing through museums, favor shops to producers of fireworks. artifice, up to the zoos and mountain guides: they will receive compensation between 100% and 200% of what they already had in the summer (except for the discos which will be entitled to 400% since they have never reopened), up to a limit maximum of 150 thousand euros. For the red areas, another 57 categories were included, forced to lower the shutter: from clothes, to furniture, to haberdashery up to weapons, tattoo artists, sex shops, street vendors and dating agencies. Finally, a third type of refreshment points is foreseen which will start only from 2021 and will concern activities in shopping centers and industrial production in the food and beverage sector.
As already pointed out by Start , the recent Ristori bis decree, just stamped by the State Accounting Office which allocates about 1 billion for non-repayable contributions to the new Ateco codes added to the list of Ristori 1, omits some categories. Such as those of the wedding and events chain, reported by Federmep, an association that brings together companies and freelancers in the wedding & event sector.
“Even escort agencies will receive the contribution provided for by the refreshment decree bis. Not only sex shops, therefore, but also escort agencies, equated, for tax purposes, to marriage agencies. Instead, many categories on their knees due to restrictions, some of which are included in the chain of weddings and events, continue to be excluded ”, Serena Ranieri , president of Federmep, polemically pointed out. According to Ranieri “it is the proven proof that the Ateco codes are a jungle in which it is difficult to extricate oneself and cannot be the criterion adopted for the refreshment points. It is not a question of triggering a war between the poor, but of trying to adopt parameters of equity and homogeneity ”.
"Other absurdities concern the temporal and geographical criteria", highlights the president of Federmep. "It makes no sense to keep the month of April as the reference month, when in the summer months some businesses worked and others remained at stake, with turnover losses, I think of our sector, which exceed 80% and in some cases 90%. Finally, even the distinction between zones has no reason to exist, unless you want to believe that an activity in the yellow zone today works normally ".
Even florists, a category closely linked to the world of events, report having been forgotten. Because if it is true that they can remain open anywhere, regardless of the sanitary and epidemiological severity of the area , it is also true that without festivals, religious ceremonies, parties, events they will hardly be able to make cash.
Strong regret was also expressed by the tax experts of the Istituto Nazionale Tributaristi (INT) for the oversights and shortcomings of the Ristori decree. Thus the INT president Riccardo Alemanno : "It was hoped that with respect to the drafts circulated in these days, the final text and the attachments were correct and the Ateco codes implemented, instead once again oversights (macroscopic as the retail trade of footwear) and valuations that do not take into account the activities whose revenues will decrease or worse, even if they are not included among those forced to close but closely connected such as commercial agents or connected production chains. Obviously nothing for professional work. Yet we had already made it clear on 26 October. In the areas at greatest risk "underlines Alemanno , there will be" an inevitable economic loss, therefore in these areas the postponements of taxes and contributions as well as the tax credits on rents had to be generalized and on non-repayable contributions there had to be greater attention. I repeat, we must fix it immediately. "
“Today, more than ever, it is essential that adequate compensation be put in place with simple and immediate procedures. And broad and inclusive tax and credit moratoriums. But we need non-repayable refreshments with reinforced endowments and reimbursements. In short, reopening and restarting must be the shared goal and commitment. No one should be left without answers and help. This time making mistakes is really forbidden. The social stability of the country is at stake ”, said Carlo Sangalli , number 1 of Confcommercio, interviewed by the Messaggero .
The restaurateurs also grumble. “We appreciate the speed with which the first accreditations arrived, but unfortunately, with the accentuation of the second epidemiological wave, the resources allocated by the bis refreshment decree are not sufficient to support public establishments forced to interrupt their activities again after the further tightening. This despite the fact that the text provides for an increase of about 50% for companies in the areas with greater restrictions, compared to what was prepared for the previous refreshment decree ". We read in a note from Fipe-Confcommercio .
“The catastrophe that has hit our sector would unfortunately require different figures. – argues the category – Suffice it to think that the resources allocated to date only for refreshments for the months of lockdown and the month of November, by the DL Rilancio and the DL Ristori and Ristori bis put together, excluding interventions on social safety nets, reach just over 1.6 billion euros. An important figure but which fails to cover the costs incurred by companies in the period in question (rents, utilities, severance pay, services, etc.) which alone amount to 2.4 billion. "
In short, the nest egg put together hastily in via XX Settembre would be insufficient. And there are those who even suspect that that money is a bit like Mussolini's new tanks, that is, run by other items of expenditure, but in fact non-existent. As we read on the truth : "1.2 billion come from the 12 billion public administration debt payment fund established with the Relaunch decree, 830 million from savings from the Cig Covid, 160 from savings for the allowances for seasonal tourism , 200 million from a fund for "non-deferrable needs" and 100 million from the Viminale fund for the management of centers for the reception of migrants. ".
This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/chi-agevolano-e-chi-escludono-i-decreti-ristori/ on Wed, 11 Nov 2020 15:20:13 +0000.