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Who is Fabrizio Landi, the anti-Covid antibody man who will be funded by the government in Tls

Who is Fabrizio Landi, the anti-Covid antibody man who will be funded by the government in Tls

Facts, positions, reports and curiosities about Fabrizio Landi, president of the three highest bodies of the Tls foundation that the government has decided to finance to combat the coronavirus. All the details

With the stumbling block of the English vaccine which, despite having restarted almost immediately after the stop, suggests that it is wise to bet on other horses too, Fabrizio Landi is certainly the man of the moment. Former member of the board of directors of Leonardo-Finmeccanica, he was talked about again between the end of March and the beginning of April, when the news agencies began to break the news of an Italian study on monoclonal antibodies, a difficult name to describe. tailored antibodies, tailored, designed to eradicate the new threat of the Coronavirus. It is enough to hear him speak to understand that he is a “toscanaccio”: brusque in his manner, alternating jokes with other decidedly lashing ones. He doesn't like words and prefers to get straight to the point. For the press he was part of the "Magic Lily" of the Renzian era, when Tuscany returned to being the navel of the country – a situation that had not occurred since the Renaissance -, with all the men close to the former mayor of Florence placed on the armchairs that count . But why are we talking about him today? Because at the center of the executive's new scientific strategy to combat the virus is the Toscana Life Sciences Foundation (Tls) project. His Toscana Life Sciences Foundation, because Fabrizio Landi is the president of the non-profit that the government has decided to finance to accelerate the search for the definitive weapon at Covid-19 ( for this reason the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, visited the headquarters on 9 September ).


The Foundation headed by Fabrizio Landi is one of the tangible results of the Region's interest in research. Certainly not an interest of recent times, given the presence of three well-established universities (Florence, Pisa and Siena), two prominent cultural centers such as the Scuola Normale and Sant'Anna, but also of several renowned laboratories such as Lens (active in the spectroscopy) and Cerm (now known to the general public for its studies on particle physics), while the interferometer for detecting gravitational waves in Cascina is located in Pisa. Founded in 2005, the non-profit organization Tls is based in Siena, the birthplace of Fabrizio Landi and is one of the rare virtuous cases of public and private mixing. Inside, in fact, there are or have passed the local institutions, Mps, the Monte dei Paschi di Siena foundation (the president of the credit institution is number two of the Tls), the Scuola Normale and the Sant'Anna di Pisa, together with the 'Integrated Research Institute Imt of Lucca. The Foundation coordinates the Life Science district, which collects public and private activities on the subject in the three poles of Siena, Pisa and Florence.


Born in Siena in 1953, Fabrizio Landi graduated in Biomedical Engineering at the Milan Polytechnic. In 1979 – reports his CV – he began his professional career in Miles Italiana, a company of the Bayer group, as head of the Life Science Instruments division. In 1981 he joined the Ansaldo Group in Genoa, where he assumed the responsibility of strategic marketing in the biomedical electronics sector and since then he has become one of the protagonists of Esaote. Since 1984 he has been part of the management of Esaote, where he held various positions up to the positions of Chief Executive Officer and General Manager. Subsequently, he was the protagonist with the same management team in the process of placing the same company on the Stock Exchange, which took place in 1996. In 2006 he also participated in the second management buy-out for the share reorganization of the Esaote Group, after its exit (delisting) from the Milan Stock Exchange. In the TLS foundation, Landi is president of the three highest bodies: board of directors, steering board and scientific committee.


In 2009 he managed the new share reorganization which led to the current structure of the Esaote Group. In addition to various positions as president and director in the companies of the Esaote Group, Landi has also been a member of the Boards of Directors of North American and Asian companies in the medical high tech sector. Back home, he was also director of Italian companies active in the sector of territorial industrial reorganization (Sviluppo Genova SpA) and of the company Elesta of Calenzano (Florence), active in the field of mini-invasive medical therapies. Former member of the Board of Directors of the former Finmeccanica, of the companies Menarini Diagnostics, Firma and Silicon Biosystem headed by the Menarini Group of Florence as well as of the Board of Directors of Banca CRF of Florence and of the Scientific Council of the company El.En of Calenzano.


Always very attentive to the startup phenomenon (in an old interview he said: "Yesterday I was up to two in the morning with some guys who want to set up a start-up and they asked me for operational advice. This I know how to do, this is my way of doing give back: I don't know how to do politics "), was the man who opened Confindustria Firenze to startups and also operated personally in that market as Business Angels, investing in various small Italian and foreign companies. He founded (together with Alessio Beverina and Diana Saraceni ) the first Italian health-tech fund, Panakès Partners SGR SpA, in which several giants that Landi knows well have bet on: Menarini, Cogliati -Elemaster, Colombo – SapioLife, Rovati – RottaPharmBiotech.


Also very interested in what happens outside our borders, especially in the vast East of the world, he has invested in some foreign startups and was delegate of the Tuscany Region in the Italy China Foundation. When, on June 3, 2011, Xi Jinping , then vice-president designate for the office of secretary general of the party, arrived in Italy (we were running out of the last Berlusconi government, which sent Giulio Tremonti to represent him), at the dinner at the Prince of Savoy in Milan , in addition to Emma Marcegaglia , who at the time was the number 1 of Confindustria and John Elkann representing Fiat, there was also Fabrizio Landi , at that time in Esaote and a little further on Cesare Romiti , as president of the Foundation Italy-China.


For more than six years, that is, since May 2014 , Fabrizio Landi has been president of the Toscana Life Sciences Foundation in Siena but has also been, since 2017, regional representative in the Toscana Life Sciences Foundation ("on the name proposed by the president Stefano Scaramelli there is was a unanimous convergence of the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party and the abstention of the oppositions ", reported the local chronicles of the period ), in addition he was a member of the Scientific Council of the University Center of the University of Florence for the enhancement of the results of the research and management of the university incubator.


Naturally, in his curriculum the arrival at Leonardo's board of directors in the Renzian years, or in 2014, to be reconfirmed in 2017 , a round of appointments again favorable to all the other Tuscan petals: to Enel Alberto Bianchi , president of the Open Foundation (Renzi's safe) and consultant to Consip, Diva Moriani on the Eni board of directors and the accountant Marco Seracini, Eni mayor. And Fabrizio Landi began to talk a lot precisely in relation to Matteo Renzi . He came to the headlines as the number one financier (in the sense that he was the first to come out of anonymity, not for amounts) in the list of donors published on the Big Bang Foundation website and then by the Open Foundation and, also for this reason , was a frequent visitor to the Leopolde . When, in 2014, the Huffington Post interviewed him, he specified: "I haven't given the foundation a penny since 2012". And then he added: "But do you think that with 10 thousand euros you can buy a place in the most technological society in the country?" He was probably right, given that Renzi is certainly no longer at the zenith of his political career, while Landi continues to be written, regardless of the government.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/chi-e-fabrizio-landi-luomo-degli-anticorpi-anti-covid-che-sara-finanziato-dal-governo-in-tls/ on Tue, 15 Sep 2020 14:50:32 +0000.