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Who is surprised by Erdogan’s Turkish affairs with von der Leyen?

Who is surprised by Erdogan's Turkish affairs with von der Leyen?

What has Erdogan been up to? The Scratches of Damato

I assure you that I am neither a Turk nor a Muslim, nor a friend of Erdogan, whose name I don't even remember at the moment, but only an Italian aspiring to be truly a European, and not a mestizo to whom I am forced by the rules that apply. the States of the Union are given in defining their rules of coexistence and institutional hierarchy. That they are the only ones, in their confusion and ambiguity, to have allowed the Turkish president to do what he did, and caused so much indignation. And this standing or sitting on the sofa that you want to see and admire the president of the Commission Ursula von der Leyen, at a distance from the two armchairs reserved by the ceremonial for the master of the house and his counterpart, in the sense of equal rank, which was considered the Belgian Michel, president of the European Council.

We Europeans have made the mess by giving more representative value to a rotating president of the European Council than to a president or a permanent president of the executive Commission. Which, as executive, can be exchanged by anyone who wants it for a person responsible for the execution of the things decided by the European Council or, even higher on the level of political representation, by the Parliament of the same name. It's clear? It seems to me so, so I don't agree with all the indignation expressed on the right, left and center, including that of a woman I respect like Emma Bonino. For having first been a European Commissioner, then Foreign Minister and finally Vice President of the Italian Senate, these things should know and understand them better than a modest, indeed very modest journalist.

If we then put the question that Massimo Gramellini in the Corriere della Sera has brilliantly defined " sofagate ", from the sofa reserved for the president of the Brussels Commission, on the level of a problem of gallantry, we end up offending the sacrosanct principle of gender equality. Which is violated, offended, trampled on, as you prefer to say, both by masochism and feminism, that is, both by the male who feels superior and by the female who also claims superiority, precedence and so on. Is this also clear? It seems to me so.

Finally, I am amazed at the amazement, in turn, of those who denounced Erdogan's “gaffe”, textual, who would therefore have made a fool of himself. In whose eyes? Of us Europeans and others, to whom you know very well that Erdogan, alas – alas – one of our military and political allies in NATO, has no desire, and perhaps even no interest in being liked, sympathetic and the like.

The gaffe presupposes, among other things, an "inexperience", as we read in the dictionaries of the Italian language just consulted on this occasion, which it seems to me arbitrary to attribute to a Turkish president in office not yesterday, but by now for quite a while ' of time. He just played his political game. It is we Europeans who have not been able to do ours because we do not have any, or we have one dented like a car after a collision with a tanker, due to the rules – I repeat – that we wanted to give ourselves, thinking we were smarter and good than others. It is we, not Erdogan, who should out of gallantry – this time yes, by the way – apologize to Mrs Ursula von der Leyen , also considering, as part of the European people, the sympathetic effort she puts into us speaking every now and then in Italian with her unmistakable and natural German accent.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/chi-si-stupisce-delle-cose-turche-di-erdogan-con-von-der-leyen/ on Thu, 08 Apr 2021 04:54:41 +0000.