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Who really won and who definitely lost in the elections in Lombardy and Lazio

Who really won and who definitely lost in the elections in Lombardy and Lazio

Regional elections. There is no politics and what is there is on the right. The italics of Sergio Pizzolante, entrepreneur and former PDL parliamentarian

There are the first projections of the electoral results in the two main Italian regions and in the two most important cities, the political and the economic one.

These are results with a national political value.

Some considerations:

1. Politics is at the bottom of the thoughts of Italians. Just over one in three Italians go to the polls, despite having had almost two days to vote. This means that we are facing not (not only) the crisis of parties, of party politics, but a profound crisis of democracy in Italy.

2. Italian democracy is without parties, parties are without democracy. And if democracy is not of interest to parties, how can one think it could be of interest to Italians? This is the real drama. The widespread indifference towards democracy. No active participation, almost no voting participation. And all this happens as we see what happens in non-democratic countries: Iran, Russia, Turkey, China, the Arab world. Nothing shakes us. We don't give a damn.

3. Nobody plans a policy that believes in democracy, many (too many) make personal parties, in the most party party, the Democratic Party, everyone makes a personal current and submits it to the vote of the faces, without content.

4. But the responsibility does not lie only with politicians. If the newspapers, the televisions, the guru conductors, a large part of the intellectual world, continue to benefit from target practice, the assimilation of politics to nothingness, to the useless, up to the theory of corruption as a founding component of politics, to arrive at equation between politics and the mafia, well, the result is there for all to see. For those who want to see. Few. Without good information and culture and thought there is no politics. And democracy. And no one feels left out.

5. The right holds up, retreats less. There is no left. The right in Lombardy and Lazio is well over 50%. The Center Left in Lazio has collapsed. I remember that before he ruled. Including the Third Pole it is just over 30%. So in Lombardy, including the 5 stars. And Third Polo and 5 stars cannot be added together. A precipice. Inside the precipice of democracy.

6. With low turnout, the left once won, because it was more party, more participation, more belonging, more politics. Now nothing more.

7. The right is above all Meloni. Meloni still likes it. And he still wins. This despite the nuclear war against the leftist media. Of the Republic , of La7, of the Grubers, of the Travaglios, of the Formiglis, of the Floris. Now they hurt more on the left than on the right. The daily mud against politics (and the right) ends up drowning their part in the mud. They are richer (in money), their part lives in poverty.


This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/chi-ha-vinto-davvero-e-chi-ha-perso-di-sicuro-alle-elezioni-in-lombardia-e-lazio/ on Mon, 13 Feb 2023 16:23:55 +0000.