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Will the Super Cashback be frozen by Draghi?

Will the Super Cashback be frozen by Draghi?

What will the Draghi government do with Super Cashback? Facts, rumors and hypotheses

It is no mystery that the technicians never liked the Cashback initiative too much. This is an open-ended loan which, due to the evident structural limitations with which the measure was prepared, does not perform any of the functions envisaged: it does not guarantee that everyone can really benefit from it (a large audience of the population, especially the elderly, does not use alternative payment methods to cash) and does not always facilitate the emergence of black (it can be used to shop in shopping centers where the receipt is the rule and the cashier certainly has no interest in making you pay for goods under the counter). To these defects is added another: the fact that no mechanisms have been envisaged to exclude from the competition those who resort to micro-transactions from gas stations and automatic machines. This action is already taking on grotesque contours as we will see and risks distorting the race for Super Cashback.


The biggest limit of the Super Cashback, or rather the 1,500 euro prize for the hundred thousand Italians who carry out the largest number of transactions in six months, is that in order not to exclude anyone, the system calculates only the number of transactions, not the quantity of the transacted. In short, if one went to the bar 10 times a day for 10 coffees and paid them with the card, he would be in the race as much as in the meantime he bought a 1,000 euro television, an 800 fridge and paid the 950 euro invoice with paper. lawyer. To get around the rules, however, it is enough to resort to automatic machines.

Mrs Raffa suggests breaking up large amount transactions to maximize cashback. Honesty dry

Published by Grullini on Saturday 2nd January 2021

There are those who, having to buy two or more train or metro tickets, “break” the multiple purchase into many single transactions. And who has taken everything to extremes by going to the automatic petrol station and filling up several times for a few euros at a time. Nothing prohibited by the Super Cashback rules (indeed, when the measure was presented it seems that some honorable pentastellati publicly suggested to put this gabola into practice), but it remains an unfair way to move forward in the ranking.


"They must intervene as soon as possible to change the parameters – said Paolo Uniti , national secretary of Figisc-Confcommercio , the Italian Federation that protects the operators of fuel plants – because in this way we gas stations become innocent accomplices of people who cheat, skip the row and collect what is in fact public money with actions that are formally legitimate. For us the damage, net of the commission, is linked to the cost of the paper for receipts and the risk that the equipment could go haywire ”.


The system, as we said, is not able to skim suspicious transactions, also because in the decree that provided for the Super Cashback they were never typified as prohibited cases. However, as expenses are recorded, it is not difficult to identify them either. For example, there are those who made 62 transactions for not even 7 euros of petrol, but beaten by another motorist who made 50 euros of fuel in 148 operations of 50, 60 or 70 cents at a time.

The cases of people making microtransactions to accumulate points with the mechanism of …

Published by Giorgia Meloni on Thursday 11 February 2021

Giorgia Meloni , currently the only force in the government's opposition, immediately took the opportunity to lash out against the measure that, we recall, was firmly desired by former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte : "They multiply out of all proportion – wrote the leader of Fratelli d'Italia on Facebook – the cases of people who make microtransactions to accumulate points with the cashback mechanism, greatly increasing the costs of bank commissions for merchants. […] This mechanism, which costs Italians 4.7 billion of their money, was conceived – underlined the president of FdI – by those phenomena of PD and M5S, with the clear intention of funding electronic money to raise cash to the banks that manage it. A madness that we denounced to Mario Draghi and on which even the ECB expressed itself in a contrary way ”. And now, we learn from some newspapers, the Ministry of Economy is considering freezing the bonus until a later date.


In the meantime, the Christmas Cashback payments have begun, the extraordinary measure that had only been foreseen in December. The state has already given the go-ahead for the credit transfer for a total of 121 million euros in favor of one million and 750 thousand members. Many, however, in these hours would be complaining of discrepancies between the figure calculated by the system and the amount landed on their current accounts. We remind our readers that a specific Help Desk service is available that can respond to possible complaints relating to the services provided by the IO app and the management of the user profile. If the crediting of the refunds is incorrect or does not arrive, it is possible to submit a complaint to Consap SpA by means of a specific form, provided that it occurs within 120 days following the last day of the month in which the crediting should have taken place. Consap SpA itself will provide motivated feedback to the Participant within 30 days from the date of receipt of the complaint and, in case of acceptance, arrange for the payment of the amount due.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/fintech/il-super-cashback-sara-congelato-da-draghi/ on Mon, 22 Feb 2021 14:24:56 +0000.