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Working from home is not smart working. Cotza speaks (heard by Po)

Working from home is not smart working. Cotza speaks (heard by Po)

After the lockdown, and with work from home, nothing will ever be the same again in employer-employee relationships. But be careful not to call work from home smart working. Ruggero Po interviewed Fabrizio Cotza, consultant for small and very small businesses

2020 marks a turning point in the world of work: the lockdown has accelerated (drastically) the adoption of remote work in companies. Changing the relationship between employer and employee.

But what we did during the three-month lockdown, specifies Fabri Cotza, a Mentor for Subversive Entrepreneurs (he works alongside the entrepreneur in order to make the company profitable and efficient), is not smart working: "We worked remotely, but there has been no real smart working ". Smart working "requires different tools and technologies".

"The real change has yet to happen," adds Cotza. And it will come soon, but let's get ready for new paradigms.

Fabrizio Cotza

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/innovazione/il-lavoro-da-casa-non-e-smart-working-parla-cotza-sentito-da-po/ on Thu, 20 Aug 2020 05:00:27 +0000.