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“Banks: from insolvency to solutions to the crisis”, by Alessandro Verrelli

In March 2020 I wanted to publish "Banks: from insolvency to crisis solutions" , published by Historica .

The book deals with a current and complex issue such as that of the banking crisis, emphasizing the institution of insolvency and the new rules put in place by the European Union for resolving crises.

I wanted to retrace the history of the banking crises, from the early 1900s up to those of the regional banks in 2015: Etruria, Marche, Ferrara and the very recent one of the Popolare di Bari.

I believe it is essential to analyze – historically – the reasons that have led to the pathology of credit institutions over the years, highlighting the common aspects of the various crises and the serious impact they have on the economic system and territories.

The state of insolvency is a specific and central situation of the banking crisis. This is an objective prerequisite for the bankruptcy of a company, a non-transitional status that concerns any case in which the company cannot pay its debts. This, however, must be assessed globally because no fact, in itself, results in insolvency, but the entire evolution of the situation must be assessed.

As regards the tools for resolving the crisis, in the third and final chapter of the work, the innovations introduced by the European Union are analyzed, including the much feared bail in , through Directive 2014/59 / EU. This follows a macroeconomic approach open to a liberal-regulatory vision, which is based on prevention and which aims to make the shareholders and bondholders of the banks in crisis responsible, without burdening the state public budgets in the event of resolution. A strong element of discontinuity because, for years, the crises of banking institutions have been settled with the use of general taxation.

The post “Banks: from insolvency to solutions to the crisis”, by Alessandro Verrelli appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/recensioni/banche-dallinsolvenza-alle-soluzioni-della-crisi-di-alessandro-verrelli/ on Sat, 23 Jan 2021 04:57:00 +0000.