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Transport: it is not true that they did nothing, they did worse than nothing!

It is rumored that nothing has been done in the transport dpcm.

It is not true that Conte and the government did nothing. They arranged the opposite of what they should have done. Instead of predicting an increase in travel and means, they have foreseen their reduction.

He is so interested in our health that he doesn't give a damn if people travel in overcrowding, he is only interested in using the excuse of covid and overcrowding, which is real, to shut us up at home with "smart working", or even unemployed .

The important thing is to put ourselves under house arrest.

As are the almost 150,000 positive asymptomatic Italians, who have nothing and who have had a swab, some of them deported to covid hotels, segregated, for a swab that provides false positives, or positive for the flu.

Otherwise it cannot be explained that Spallanzani are looking for a test that distinguishes the flu from the covid.

Knock Knock! The flu from the covid? So does that mean that positive cases with the PCR swab are indistinguishable from the flu?

We had already written it here months ago. Now they don't even admit it so much between the lines, unfortunately neither the politicians nor the inhabitants know how to read between the lines or seize the ball, dazed by the regime's propaganda.

Nforcheri 20/10/2020

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The Transport article : it is not true that they did nothing, they did worse than nothing! comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/trasporti-non-e-vero-che-non-hanno-fatto-niente-hanno-fatto-peggio-che-niente/ on Tue, 20 Oct 2020 10:21:27 +0000.