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Attack on Israeli ship in the Persian Gulf. Iran accused of the crime

The Israeli-owned ship Hyperion Ray

Israeli media reports that another commercial ship owned by a company from the same country was attacked off the coast of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in the Gulf waters.

"Well-known channel 12 cited Israeli officials blaming the Iranian opponent for the assault, which it described as a missile strike," Reuters reported on Tuesday's incident. "There were no casualties and the ship continued its route, the television channel added."

The ship was later identified as the Bahamian-flagged Hyperion Ray cargo car vehicle which was en route to the port of Fujairah from Kuwait.

Just last week an Iranian ship called Saviz was hit by a mysterious attack in the Red Sea. While Iran claimed it was a civilian commercial ship, Israeli sources claim the Saviz was in fact a spy ship in the service of the Revolutionary Guards.

Regardless, this latest attack appears to be part of the growing "trade war being fought" between Israel and the Islamic Republic on the high seas, all while Tel Aviv continues to press for the 2015 nuclear deal no longer into effect.

Furthermore, this attack comes exactly two days after the attack on the Iranian nuclear laboratory in Natanz, which occurred through an anomaly in the electricity supply system that shut down the site and for which responsibility is placed on Israel.

While this attack does not appear to have been particularly damaging to Israel and the properties of its citizens, it always remains a sign of the growing tension between the two Middle Eastern powers. There were also rumors of an attack on a Mossad base in northern Syria, fortunately not confirmed later.

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Article Attack on Israeli ship in the Persian Gulf. The Iran accused of the crime comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/attacco-a-nave-israeliana-nel-golfo-persico-litran-accusato-del-misfatto/ on Wed, 14 Apr 2021 17:04:11 +0000.