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The state of the PNRR according to the government

The state of the PNRR according to the government

The integral government document on the state of the art of the NRP


As is known, the Government sent the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (hereinafter: PNRR) to the Chambers on 25 April 2021. Subsequently, on 30 April 2021, the PNRR was officially transmitted to the European Commission.

The European Commission published the proposal for a Council Implementing Decision on 22 June 2021, accompanied by a detailed analysis of the Plan (Commission working document). The proposed Decision was discussed in the Economic and Financial Committee and by the Financial Advisors, and was formally approved by the ECOFIN Council on 13 July 2021.

In the meantime, with regard to the national legislation, with the decrees law of 31 May 2021, n. 77 and 9 June 2021, n. 80, the governance of the PNRR was configured.

In particular, article 9, paragraph 1, of law decree no. 77/2021 provides that the central administrations, the regions, the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano and the local authorities shall ensure the operational implementation of the interventions envisaged by the PNRR, on the basis of specific institutional competences, or on the basis of the different ownership of the interventions defined in the PNRR, through its own structures or by making use of external implementing subjects identified in the PNRR or in the manner provided for by the national and European legislation in force.

The supervision of the control room referred to in Article 2 of Legislative Decree 77/2021, holder of the powers of direction, impulse and general coordination on the implementation of the PNRR interventions, operates on the implementation of these interventions. In detail the control room:

a) elaborates guidelines and guidelines for the implementation of PNRR interventions, also with reference to relations with the various territorial levels;

b) carries out periodic and timely recognition of the state of implementation of the interventions, also by formulating specific guidelines on the monitoring and control activity carried out by the Central Service for the PNRR;

c) examines, after preliminary investigation by the Technical Secretariat, the issues and specific profiles of criticality reported by the Ministers responsible for the subject and, with reference to issues of regional or local competence, by the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies and by the Conference of Regions and of the autonomous provinces;

d) carries out, also making use of the Office for the Government Program, the monitoring of the interventions that require regulatory compliance and reports to the Unit for the rationalization and improvement of the regulation of the possible need for regulatory interventions suitable to guarantee compliance with the deadlines of implementation;

e) transmits to the Chambers every six months, through the Minister for relations with Parliament, a report on the state of implementation of the PNRR, containing and information pursuant to article 1, paragraph 1045, of law no. . 178, as well as, also at the request of the parliamentary committees, any useful element to evaluate the progress of the interventions, their impact and effectiveness with respect to the objectives pursued, with specific regard to support policies for employment and socio-economic integration of young people, gender equality and women's participation in the labor market;

f) periodically reports to the Council of Ministers on the progress of the PNRR interventions;

g) transmits, through, respectively, the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies and the Technical Secretariat, the periodic report to the Unified Conference and to the Permanent Table for Economic, Social and Territorial Partnership, which are constantly updated by the same about the progress of the interventions and any implementation criticalities;

h) promotes coordination between the various levels of government and proposes, where the conditions are met, the activation of the substitute powers of the President of the Board who, in the event of persistent inaction, identifies the administration, the body, the body or office, or alternatively appoints one or more commissioners ad acta, to whom it assigns, in substitution, the power to adopt the necessary acts or measures or to carry out the projects;

i) ensures cooperation with the economic, social and territorial partnership through the permanent table for economic, social and territorial partnership;

l) promotes information and communication activities consistent with Article 34 of Regulation (EU) 2021/241.

The control room is supported by the Technical Secretariat, already established at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers with the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 28 June 2021 and which works in conjunction with the Department for administrative coordination, the Department for programming and the coordination of economic policy and the Government Program Office. With the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 26 August 2021, the coordinator of the Technical Secretariat has already been appointed, identified in the Cons. Chiara Goretti.

Also at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, with the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 28 June 2021, the mission structure referred to in Article 5 of Law Decree no. 77/2021, called the Unit for the rationalization and improvement of regulation. With the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 13 September 2021, the coordinator of the Unit was appointed, identified in prof. Nicola Lupo.

Finally, the central service for PNRR operates at the Ministry of Economy and Finance – Department of State General Accounting, under the ownership of dr. Carmine di Nuzzo (with tasks of operational coordination, monitoring, reporting and control of the PNRR, which represents the national contact point with the European Commission for the implementation of the PNRR) and the Mission Unit for the assessment of the state of implementation of the milestones and targets (M% T) of the PNRR, led by Dr. Aline Pennisi, as well as the Audit Office of the PNRR.

In order to immediately implement the measures provided for in the PNRR, at national level, with the decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 9 July 2021, the central administrations (ministries and structures of the PCM) appointed to achieve the objectives of the PNRR were identified, as holders of specific interventions. Again with decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers (both of 28 July 2021), both the contingent of dedicated non-managerial staff and the financial resources for the recruitment of experts were divided among the central administrations in charge of the interventions envisaged in the PNRR. Finally, with the subsequent decree of the Minister of Economy and Finance of 6 August 2021, the financial resources foreseen for the implementation of the PNRR interventions were assigned to the individual Administrations holding the interventions.


As already mentioned, the PNRR was definitively approved at European level on July 13th. investment or reform – the milestones and targets, the achievement of which is linked to the allocation of resources, with the relative qualitative (for the goals) and quantitative (for the objectives) indicators.

In the annex to the Decision, the ten installments into which the non-repayable financial contribution and the loan are divided, and the related goals and objectives are also indicated. According to Regulation (EU) 2021/241 which establishes the mechanism for recovery and resilience, in fact, each Member State, after having achieved the goals and objectives, submits a request to the Commission relating to the payment of the financial contribution and the loan. Member States may submit such payment requests to the Commission twice a year. The Commission first assesses whether the targets and objectives set out in the Council Implementing Decision have been satisfactorily achieved. In the event of a positive preliminary assessment, the Commission transmits its conclusions to the Economic and Financial Committee – composed of representatives of the Member States – and requests its opinion on the satisfactory achievement of the relevant targets and objectives. The Commission takes into account the opinion of the Economic and Financial Committee for its assessment. In the event of a positive final assessment, the Commission authorizes the disbursement of financial contributions and loans.

Following the adoption by the EU Council of the Implementing Decision, the Commission has already paid Italy on 13 August 2021 a pre-financing for an amount of 13 per cent of the non-repayable financial contribution and of the loan, for a total of 24.894 billion. euro (8.957 billion of non-repayable financial contribution and 15.937 billion of loans).

This monitoring concerns all PNRR measures that envisage a milestone or target (M&T) by 31/12/2021. These are the first measures to be implemented under the PNRR, as approved by the EU Council.

The measures in question are 51 distinct between reforms and investments, with the specification as regards the latter that, by investment, we also mean the adoption of primary and secondary legislation or administrative acts aimed at regulating specific sectors and on which it depends. the usability of financial resources dedicated to lines of intervention.

In particular, of the 51 M&T (milestones and targets) envisaged, 24 refer to investments and 27 to reforms to be adopted.

Without prejudice to what has already been indicated regarding the assessment of the competence of the European bodies, in relation to investments, as of 09/22/2021, 5 have already been defined, equal to 21% of the total M&T envisaged as of 12/31/2021 relating to investments. For all the rest, the implementation procedures have already been started.
As regards the reforms expiring on 31/12/2021, 8, equal to 30% of the total, have already been defined; the approval process is already underway for the other 19.

Attached to this monitoring is the detailed mapping of the 51 targets to be achieved by 31/12/2021, with the specific indication of the administrations in charge.

The state of implementation of investments and reforms is shown below, broken down by competent Administration.


A request will be forwarded to the Administrations to transmit as soon as possible to the competent structures of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Economy and Finance a precise plan for the adoption of the reforms and for the completion of the interventions to be implemented by 31/12 / 2021, in order to allow constant monitoring of the specific steps to be respected in pursuing the objectives.

Furthermore, it is necessary that the Ministries send as soon as possible to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – DAGL and to the Ministry of Economy and Finance further proposals for enabling enactment rules deemed necessary, according to their respective competences, to continue with the implementation of the PNRR. Following the request of some Administrations, the Government is, in fact, evaluating the adoption of one or more measures, in which to bring together all the rules deemed necessary by the Administrations to simplify and accelerate the adoption of the measures of the PNRR.

As is known, the control room, pursuant to article 2 of decree law 77/2021, has a composition with variable geometry according to the issues addressed. In the coming weeks, sectoral control booths will be convened with the participation of Ministers identified on the basis of the areas to be explored. A control room will follow which will be attended by the regions, local authorities and other subjects among those indicated in article 2, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree 77/2021.

It will be the responsibility of each Minister to send a document in the 5 days prior to the convocation date of the control room in which the control room must participate, which will be briefly illustrated during the session of the control room containing:

a) progress of the set of PNRR reforms and projects headed by the relevant Administration, with a particular focus on those whose implementation is expected in 2021 and in the first half of 2022;

b) approach that each Minister deems to follow with reference to the main and most important projects of their respective competence;

c) identification of any obstacles and criticalities encountered with regard to reforms and projects owned by the relevant Administrations.

An in-depth study will be dedicated to some transversal issues, in particular as regards the methods to be implemented to ensure:
– compliance with art. 2 paragraph 6 bis, of Legislative Decree 77/2021, which provides, when defining the procedures for implementing the interventions of the PNRR, that at least 40 percent of the resources that can be allocated territorially, regardless of the financial source of origin, are destined for the regions of Twelve o'clock;

– compliance with the guiding principles on disability to be taken on the basis of choices in the execution of projects, reforms and measures;

– compliance, also by the implementing subjects, with art. 47, paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree 77/2021 which, in promoting gender equality, provides, with exceptions to be adequately motivated, at least 30 percent for the recruitment of young people and women.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/pnrr-2/ on Sat, 25 Sep 2021 06:25:19 +0000.