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Because the figure of Zelensky shines more and more

Because the figure of Zelensky shines more and more

What is Zelensky's real strength. Federico Guiglia's notebook

It is comforting to know that, in the very darkest hour, when the world is called upon to choose between tanks and freedom, Italy does not intend to "turn away". It is comforting that to the firm words of the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, in Parliament, the entire political arc responded with equal dignity and unity, approving the government resolution. Finally, it is comforting to acknowledge that we live in a country and with a ruling class aware of the terrible moment for Ukraine and for us, astonished and helpless spectators. But ready for anything, so as not to go back 80 years.

When the possessed person at the time was called Hitler and the sad question – "to die for Danzig?" – repeated at the time by those who, just happened, preferred "to turn away", today no longer has anything in common with the ovation that another Parliament familiar to us, the European one, paid standing to Zelensky, the president under the bombs, after his exemplary and moving video speech. The ever inscrutable circumstances of life now make us witness two events, one at the end and the other at the beginning of the epoch.

The first is the war crime unleashed by Putin, which is something unimaginable for those who have chosen peace as the vaccine of the soul for 77 years. The second is Zelensky's love for his people, his homeland and the much desired Europe. A love for which he and his people are ready to sacrifice their lives.

Since the figure of Zelensky already shines like a 21st century Nelson Mandela, that is, a simple man and hitherto unknown, but determined never to accept injustice or violence, whatever the cost to pay, the Italian Parliament in such a solemn hour did the right thing.

Which is not only to take the side of the innocent at the mercy of the Russian armies, and many civilians and children already killed, but also to contribute, with our Western allies, to military, economic and humanitarian aid so that the attacked person can defend himself.

Peace is too serious a thing to leave at the mercy of the bullies.

No one can predict how that which should not have even begun will end. But Europe is no longer a geographical expression. And Italy has rediscovered its role as a bridge between the EU and the USA, between Ukraine and those of the gagged Russian people, many, who do not share the madness of missiles against a brother people. Brother for them and for us.

(Published in The Arena of Verona, Il Giornale di Vicenza and Bresciaoggi)

Federico Guiglia (www.federicoguiglia.com)

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-la-figura-di-zelensky-risplende-sempre-di-piu/ on Wed, 30 Mar 2022 06:34:20 +0000.