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MetalmeccanicI, how to renew the contract well

MetalmeccanicI, how to renew the contract well

How the negotiations for the renewal of the metalworkers' contract are proceeding. The intervention of Roberto Benaglia, general secretary of Fim Cisl

The second meeting scheduled for this week ended and marked the resumption of the renewal of the metalworkers' national collective labor agreement.


Two days dedicated to addressing two issues as important as they are symbolic, such as: health and safety, industrial relations and participation that in these months of pandemic have been able to guarantee the safety of work in many engineering companies.


The National Contract is a fundamental tool for opening and regulating advanced forms of participation that can support the competitiveness of businesses together with the quality of work. We have also formulated concrete proposals regarding consultative committees and industrial choices shared with the workers who are now at the center of the discussion.


We must choose how to strengthen and orient this system of industrial relations.


These two meetings have finally dictated the concrete start of the negotiations after 10 months of delay. This is the season in which the negotiations must intensify to define solutions and responses to all the points of the trade union platform.


The issues addressed yesterday are decisive for raising the role of workers in sharing business choices, but we expect from Federmeccanica that the next meetings will confirm concrete openings on the greater regulatory and wage protections that we claim.


The metalworkers also expect a contract that will give impetus to the restart of the industry and improve concrete working conditions and income for the next few years.


At the end of today's meeting, a busy schedule of meetings was set, a useful sign of the parties in wanting to face the road to renew the CCNL: 23 September Training and right to study, 24 September labor market, active policies, tenders, 7 -8 October salary and welfare, classification, 14-15 October hours, rights and protections.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/metalmeccanici-come-rinnovare-bene-il-contratto/ on Fri, 18 Sep 2020 10:14:32 +0000.