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Economic Scenarios

Malvezzi: “Look how the Recovery Fund will throw your money”

Valerio Malvezzi intervenes on RadioRadio and presents us how the famous 209 billion that should come from the recovery fund will be spent, or rather wasted. Recall that these are either loans or p is money that is paid by the contributions of individual states or by "own means", ie European taxes that individual citizens will come to pay. It is therefore the resources of the citizens, our own Blood that goes to Brussels and comes back. How is it used?

Malvezzi reads us the most significant projects published by Corriere della Sera: they range from smart switches at the Farnesina, to 3 billion for “digital Navigators” to projects to make Italians understand that they pay taxes. All money, literally, wasted. Tax money that does nothing but fuel the absurd ambitions of a group of incapable.

Have a good listening.

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The Malvezzi article : "See how the Recovery Fund will throw your money" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/malvezzi-guardate-come-il-recovery-fund-gettera-i-vostri-soldi/ on Thu, 17 Sep 2020 05:55:11 +0000.