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Kamala Harris’ entire career as a prosecutor

Kamala Harris' entire career as a prosecutor

Kamala Harris is not a woman of opposition to the system as Angela Davis might be, but she was – and is – a woman of the American establishment. The comment by Giuseppe Gagliano

The misinformation that is capable of conveying political correctness in both Europe and the United States is certainly broad and pervasive, as the case of Kamala Harris demonstrates. Claiming that Harris has always and without distinction supported the rights of African Americans and black women is a self-evident error considering her career as a prosecutor. Secondly, using the categories of right and left of European origin to frame the modus operandi of American politicians constitutes a significant error from an interpretative point of view.

Harris built her career by advocating for the rules contained in the Three Strikes Law and the Stop and Frisk that strengthened the prison system in California. During the first few years of her career, as a California District Attorney, the conviction rate that had settled at 52% rose to 67%, to the point that Harris was nicknamed the Iron Attorney.

In fact, Harris has always sided not only on the side of the police but above all on the side of the methods used by the agents to disarm or to suppress crimes; it is no coincidence that Harris has always avoided reopening very embarrassing investigative cases relating to the brutal methods adopted by police officers against people who were unarmed and, not surprisingly, precisely in San Francisco where she operated not only cases of violence by of the police were far above the average but the investigations conducted on the abuses of power by local agents have drastically reduced thanks to his intervention.

In other words, Harris – just like Hillary Clinton – is not a woman of opposition to the system as Angela Davis could be but she was – and is – a woman of the American establishment. In fact, there is a striking example that shows how Harris was – and is – a woman fully integrated with the American system of power. Although the 2011 American Supreme Court ruled that the California prison system violated the fundamental rights of prisoners also due to the presence of an unacceptable overcrowding, Harris as California attorney not only did not accept the sentence of the Supreme Court but also placed in in being obstructive legal practices with the aim of frustrating the work of the Court. This is demonstrated by the fact that in 2012 Harris decided that reducing the prison population to 137.5% was inadequate for California and therefore made a counter-proposal by raising the percentage to 145%.

But there is certainly an even more interesting and in some ways even more sensational data than the judgments and evaluations that are given in a country like Italy dominated by politically correct, left-wing Christian pacifism and Gramellini-style do-gooders, namely the fact that Prosecutor Harris has always been an advocate of the death penalty.

And finally, how can we forget the fact that in 2014 before the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson took place, civil rights activists in Auckland distributed protest leaflets on which it was written to ask Attorney General Kamala Harris to investigate the murderous police officers and their work? Precisely in this regard, during the presidential campaign, Harris, in order to create the widest possible consensus among the African American community around her candidacy, condemned the abuses committed by the police, condemning this however which turns out to be purely instrumental with respect to the modus operandi which has marked Harris' entire career as a solicitor .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/kamala-harris-procuratrice/ on Mon, 23 Nov 2020 05:50:50 +0000.