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A cut to bad politics. Because now it is important to understand the “people of Yes”

Now it is important to understand what prompted the overwhelming majority of voters to vote Yes in the referendum on cutting the number of parliamentarians. We also try to do it for the pleasure of distinguishing ourselves from that ugly habit of the left which, in the aftermath of unwelcome electoral results, is exercised in contemptuous judgment against the "ox people". It was the communist poet Brecht who stigmatized the unstoppable impulse of the left to consider peoples "not up to" the ideological diktats of Marxism: "The Central Committee has decided: since the people disagree, a new people must be appointed " .

On the other hand, a beautiful liberal style would require respect for the vote: an even deeper respect when the electoral body pronounces itself contrary to its intentions. You can be persuaded that you are right and when your reason is a minority it is legitimate to say that the majority has taken the wrong path, but at the same time we must strive to understand what need has been the navigator for that way.

This indication of method reaches the heart of the concept of representation: the democratic principle of the majority does not serve to identify "what is true", but serves to express in a peaceful way what the needs of most people are. For this reason, those controversies on the vote given only to the competent, on the vote to be taken away from "the ignorant", which are usually identified among those who do not listen to the lectures of the "Central Committee" are extremely stupid. And instead, even the "ignorant" or presumed to be such has the right to express through the vote what is his requirement.

Let's come to the point: what need did that 70 percent of voters have? It is easy to hypothesize that the "people of the Yes" express contempt for a political class that has been leveled down: "Let's cut these inept, these unworthy" , is the message that has passed. It will be said that these sentiments are the poisoned fruit of a good thirty years of "anti-politics". But let's be honest: if the anti-politics is mounted it is also because the political class has attracted some well-deserved mockery.

Those who voted No defended the high reasons of political representation that does not sell out for a coffee, but those who voted Yes evidently launch a "cry of pain" against the anthropological decline of the political class.

Now "what to do" (and I promise this is the last quote from the paleo-communist phrase book)?

The answer is a formula that is easy to enunciate, of complex implementation: whoever aspires to the government to improve the fate of Italy should go back to selecting the ruling classes. Once there were party schools, in presidential systems there are competent staff around the decision maker.

Political leaders – and we turn to the leaders of the center-right – invent something to select worthy ruling classes, which do not arouse "irony", to use a soft term.

This is the lesson that came from 70 percent of the voters who voted Yes. We bow our heads before the response of the referendum majority.

The post A cut to bad politics. Because now it is important to understand the “people of yes” appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/un-taglio-alla-cattiva-politica-perche-ora-e-importante-capire-il-popolo-del-si/ on Wed, 23 Sep 2020 03:36:00 +0000.