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End of Green Pass never and discrimination in schools: decisions based on scientific superstition

And on a disturbing desire for social control and repression of dissent …

The new rules decided yesterday by the Council of Ministers on Dad and the school quarantines give a sigh of relief to families, who have been kidnapped at home for months, or on the verge of a nervous breakdown due to the difficulty of finding their way around in a forest of cases, exceptions, waivers and quibbles. All for what for at least a month, a month and a half, has been in the common experience a cold or a little more.

However, the loosening of the rules, as a result of which the probability of the boys to end up in Dad or in quarantine is significantly reduced, comes late (it was too much to expect the government not to focus only on the game for the Quirinale in recent weeks), but above all it is badly conceived, persevering in the bureaucratic logic and, as we will see, reinforcing the discriminatory scheme.

With the much milder Omicron variant and at least 90 percent of the population vaccinated or immune after recovery, the brain-bending school quarantine system no longer makes any sense. But instead of abolishing it completely, the government preferred to keep the tool standing, like a vise ready to tighten again and relentlessly. May it never be that Italians perceive that it is over, over for real this time. Game over . By dragging the system of Dad and school quarantines, albeit loose, psychological pressure is maintained on citizens and, in particular, on the unvaccinated.

The “selective” Dad, depending on whether one is vaccinated or unvaccinated, had already been introduced with previous decrees. Suffice it to say that with the entry into force of the super Green Pass for local means of transport, an unvaccinated child cannot go to school by public transport.

Now, despite the easing, the new measures aggravate discrimination by elevating it to a system – and making it even more hateful, because in spite of the right to education it affects children and young people, to push them to ask parents to vaccinate them not for their health but not to suffer exclusion.

It almost seems that the only reason left to keep Dad and school quarantines on their feet is discrimination itself: once the need from the health point of view has disappeared, it serves to remind everyone, to point out that even in fundamental rights, such as that to education in this case, vaccinated and unvaccinated are treated differently. The former are granted "privileges" which the latter are denied. Not only that: in elementary school, the Dad in the fifth positive case is made a remote hypothesis, almost only theoretical. It might as well have been eliminated, but it had to be kept alive formally if only to reaffirm discrimination.

On the other hand, it is the words of the Bianchi education minister himself, yesterday at a press conference, that corroborate the validity of our thesis: "We want to give a signal". The scientific evidence, the health reasons, are definitively set aside. It is about giving a sop to the vaccinated and punishing the unvaccinated.

The same logic follows the decision to eliminate the restrictions for those who are vaccinated also in the red zone. As our Musso observed on Twitter , "the denial of fundamental rights is consecrated, on the basis of a political status … without even the screen of an emergency condition".

The hateful discrimination between vaccinated and unvaccinated in schools – like that over everything else, mind you – is illegitimate, and even more without scientific basis. With a rule that, with the same close contact, provides for no Dad for vaccinated and Dad for unvaccinated, a presumption of non-contagion of the vaccinated is sanctioned, which is clearly a scientific falsehood. Not only that, however, even the vaccinated can become infected and infectious, as everyone has now understood. In the case of children and young people, it is doubly detached from any health logic, because one cannot even resort to the argument that two-thirds of the intensive care units are occupied by unvaccinated ones, since children and young people simply do not occupy the intensive care units, therefore they do not represent a burden for hospitals due to Covid .

“Every decision here is guided by data, not by politics”, premier Mario Draghi claimed in the press conference at the end of the year. No, here we are dealing with decisions based on a scientific – in the sense of punctual and systematic – superstition and on a disturbing desire for social control and repression of dissent.

The other decision adopted yesterday by the CDM is to make the Green Pass validity indefinite for those who have received three doses (or two doses plus healing), many of whom, with the validity dropped to 6 months from February 1st, would have found themselves without a certificate in a few weeks despite having completed the vaccination cycle. Attention, not a definitive or unlimited validity, as we read, but indefinite : it means that at the moment its duration is not defined, but it could return to be so in the near future, at the sole discretion of the pro tempore government of course. In practice, until a decision is made on the fourth dose (which they will call the vaccine "updated" to Omicron ).

Beware because the scam is subtle, with dexterity. This decision does not demonstrate, as we will explain shortly, that the Green Pass as a tool is definitive, no longer linked to the emergency but ordinary (it is, but on other legal bases). It demonstrates that the Green Pass is not only an illegitimate discrimination against the unvaccinated, but an attack on the fundamental freedoms even of the vaccinated, because it changes the status of those freedoms, which become in effect freedoms "conditioned" to their conduct, revocable at any time: today you can have the requirements, tomorrow the government may decide that the old requirements are no longer valid or sufficient, and therefore literally confiscate your freedoms. As it brought the validity of the Green Pass first from 9 months to 12, then from 12 to 6, as it has extended its application from time to time, it could reintroduce a deadline to force the fourth dose or any other health treatment (or tax compliance , maybe…).

Here lies the real danger of this instrument: in a real change of paradigm, contrary to the Constitution, in the relationship between State and citizens in relation to the recognition and exercise of fundamental freedoms. Everyone, not just the unvaccinated.

All this is accompanied by the “Orwellian message”, as our Enzo Reale defined it on Twitter , of his competence: “Italy will be more open”. "The measures approved today in the Council of Ministers go in the direction of a greater reopening of the country". Message that will be promptly conveyed by the zealous mainstream editors. But the exact opposite is true. Suffice it to say that two days ago, further measures have come into force for which the basic or super Green Pass is mandatory to access every place, except grocery and pharmacy, and carry out any activity. “In the coming weeks, on the basis of scientific evidence, we will announce a calendar for overcoming the restrictions in force,” says Palazzo Chigi, implicitly admitting that the “overcoming” has not only not begun, but is not even foreseen in a time schedule yet.

Another measure of yesterday's new decree partially fills a gap in the Green Pass system that has been practically blocking tourism for a month and a half: to have access to the places and activities for which Italian citizens need the super Green Pass , tourists will only need the basic pass, which can also be obtained with a negative test valid for 48 hours. A piece requested by Brussels, which however risks not solving much: do you see tourists taking a swab every 48 hours to go to a restaurant or hotel? Or maybe they will prefer other destinations?

And this measure also demonstrates that there is no sanitary logic behind the Green Pass : what, in fact, would be the reason for the differentiated treatment between Italians and foreigners from a health point of view?

The Green Pass , we said, is here to stay. It is necessary to distinguish the duration of the instrument from that of the single certificate. Its duration in force as an instrument, in fact, was indefinite, disconnected from the state of emergency, even before yesterday's decision to make the validity of the individual certificates of those who received three doses indefinite.

The following is what we have been able to reconstruct from the decree laws from April to today – not being able to exclude that we were wrong as the matter is complex and the skein of cited rules is very intricate:

– Introduction of the Green Pass , the original EU one (April decree): without expiry
– Introduction of the basic Green Pass (July decree): without expiry
– Extension of the Green Pass in the workplace (September decree): linked to the state of emergency
– Extension of the basic Green Pass and introduction of the super Green Pass (November decree): without expiry
– Further extension (December 24): linked to the state of emergency
– Further extension (December 30): linked to the state of emergency
– Introduction of the super Green Pass to work and the vaccination obligation for over 50s (January decree): deadline on June 15th.

From what can be deduced from this reconstruction, unless we make mistakes, there is an expiration date for some of its applications, but not for the Green Pass tool itself, which therefore seems destined to remain, from time to time, extended or reduced in the use. At the moment, the uses of the Green Pass decreed in July and November should remain in force after March 31, while the others should lapse, except for the obligations expiring on June 15.

The post Fine Green Pass never and discrimination in schools: decisions based on a scientific superstition appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL https://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/fine-green-pass-mai-e-discriminazioni-nelle-scuole-decisioni-basate-su-una-scientifica-superstizione/ on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 03:56:00 +0000.