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Family, identity, immigration control: three challenges on which the future of our civilization depends

The expression “a conquest of civilization” appears recurrent in progressive fable, as an ethical-political support for some claim, without giving historical form to this expression, as if an abstract civilization existed, ideally shared throughout the Earth. This has never been and still is not today, because reality teaches us to have existed and existed more than one civilization, rooted in different beliefs, value tables, cultures, traditions. And their often bloody competition has marked and characterized the centuries, as evidenced by the affirmation on both sides of the Mediterranean of two civilizations, the Christian and the Islamic, firmly anchored to two opposing faiths, which, beyond beyond any falsification of convenience, they remain so to this day: the former purified of any theocratic pretense, by virtue of a tormented secularization; the second crystallized in every religion-centric vision, free from any secular contamination. To see their different caliber, it is necessary to observe them in operation in the countries where they have imposed themselves, modeling their development, that is, typically in European and Arab countries; not where they constitute significant minorities due to a strong migratory current, although even here they tend to constitute enclaves, all the more strong and impenetrable in depth, the more difficult it is to overcome existential extraneousness with respect to the adopted land.

Despite the illusions scattered with full hands by all-round aperturists, to which our Pope also belongs – to whom, however, it must be acknowledged that he speaks with the eye to a beyond where the accounts will all return in favor of his revealed creed – the game is in full swing. To anticipate its conclusion in principle, it is enough to take back the teacher of life, history, which teaches us that three basic conditions weigh on the outcome of the comparison: demography, relative wealth / poverty, the radical nature of a shared identity.

Two of these relate to the transfer of one into the other, due to a strong migratory pressure from the territorial area of ​​development of Islamic civilization to that of the settlement of Christian civilization, starting precisely with demography, the true law of the conservation of a civilization, even if, given its very slow dynamics, it draws little attention, apart from returning to the internal pages of newspapers on the occasion of a census or survey. From this point of view there is no history, European countries delight in enriching the alphabet of "sexual variants", giving criminal relevance to a "gender identity", which would seem to echo the Cartesian motto ( cogito ergo sum ) I think I'm either male or female, so I'm on word alone; while the cradles remain dramatically empty. In Arab countries these learned disquisitions and practices are condemned by sharia law , even repressible with stoning, while births are overabundant compared to the territories to which they belong.

It is not only demography that fuels emigration, but also relative wealth / poverty, that is the socio-economic difference between the two areas, located on the opposite shores of the Mediterranean, certainly due to the lack of minimum conditions for survival; but also where such conditions exist, to the continuous solicitation of much better life expectancies, with the availability, seen as close at hand, of goods, works, services, a glittering showcase day and night from the screens of computers and smartphones.

But what counts is the radical nature of a shared identity that characterizes this emigration, which certainly represents a novelty compared to the "barbarian invasions" that have marked European history, given that these were characterized by peoples lacking a strong cultural characterization that went to the beyond the ethnic community, so as to assimilate quickly, even if feeding with its own profiles the authentic melting pot of the so-called Western civilization. This is not the case with the Muslim identity, extraordinarily invasive and pervasive in the nerve center of the private sector, with the Koranic ethics of the family at the center, built on a patriarchy which, before being a custom, is of faith, such as to guarantee it generational transmission.

Just a few brushstrokes of a much more complex scene. To put them into politics, it seems to me that all of Europe, starting with Italy, cannot rely on a radicalized left, which seems to pretend to be the sum of minorities, racial, migratory, sexual, suffering from poverty extreme with a holistic temptation, to represent them all by reason of a credibility acquired on the scene of a class conflict that has now almost completely evaporated. If I had to render the thing in the Marxian language, but still recurrent as native on the part of the extreme left, the attention is entirely concentrated on the superstructure, so much so that it is essentially exhausted in a trust in the law and in criminal justice, the latter revealed to be an irreplaceable resource. to compensate for a weakness of electoral acceptance of which the real reason has persisted in not taking note, that is, the inability to involve the so-called productive classes in a unitary plan. On the other hand, according to the foreseeable future it will not be the center left, Pd and 5 Stelle, to take over the country in the next political elections, which, in any case, will have to take place in 2023; will be the center-right, only for this reason it would be extremely opportune to carry out reforms and achievements required by the Next Generation EU , with the widest convergence, because the illusion of being able to cage the future majority – with some parliamentary forcing to be carried out before that fateful date – me it seems illusory and counterproductive.

On the other hand, the game to which the Democratic Party had conditioned all its policy against anticipating the political elections, was that of the election of the President of the Republic, so as to be able to place a third out of its ranks, after Napolitano and Mattarella, counting on the rebalancing power of a syntonic president, once sentenced to opposition. The thing, now, has become very doubtful, so the whole scenario that lies ahead, also taking into account the problematic nature of a reliance on an electoral alliance with the 5 Stars, forces the new secretary Letta to try to break through the Zan draft law, with a sort of "it goes or breaks it", which in itself is a symptom of great nervousness.

The center-right seems to have the way open, regardless of how the story of the Salvinian federation goes, even with the Berlusconian perspective of the single party. Is it up to it? It is not a question that it should be a "liberal right", as rumored by the Democratic Party, which, however, manages to define it only in the negative, the exact opposite of Orban's "illiberal right", as if on the subject of the rule of law by reason of management of criminal justice we had a clear conscience. So much because we talk about the right and not the center right, as if to take for granted that the center belongs to the Democratic Party or the 5 Stars; and then, because liberal is too important a word to be spent as the Democratic Party does: once the PCI wanted the DC not to be reactionary, now the Democratic Party, the son of the most chameleonic party process of the post-war period, would be content with the right being liberal, moreover, in a version reminiscent of the phoenix, “everyone knows it's there, but nobody knows where it is”.

If the problems highlighted regarding the future of our civilization are true, which I call ours with a deep sense of pride, in spite of a cancel culture – which, to say it with an image, is equivalent to sawing the branch on which one is seated – a center-right government should implement a family policy, the one considered by our Constitution as a natural society, which in the rainbow language is downgraded to organic, with the presumption that this makes a difference. Diversity in political action remains fundamental for the family referred to in art. 39 and 40 there must be a massive promotional activity, not only financial but also cultural; if you want to make a national day, do it for the traditional so-called family, due to its not only structural importance, of physical and cultural reproduction, but also conjunctural, as a social and economic support for the new generations. Another thing is true for the so-called rainbow families, to whom we owe the full guarantee against any discrimination, but they respond to individual life programs of personal realization that certainly cannot boast the same strategic importance as the so-called traditional family.

As for immigration, it is time to put an end to this soap opera of compulsory or even incentivized placements in other European countries which even boast higher numbers in ours; even if these locations were to pass to a European level, they would inevitably require a control of flows, so the sore point always remains this. Of course, it is perfectly acceptable to conclude agreements with the countries that feed these flows, preferably helping them with public services and works, but all this takes time and, in any case, will not be enough, first of all, a non-incentive attitude is needed, that is, one that sound as a deterrent to the depths of Africa, creating, as Denmark did, places on the spot where asylum applications are examined and the necessary economic immigrants selected, according to numbers and specializations programmed in advance; but, in any case, a policy of control of the terrestrial and marine channels with the minimum deterrent capacity that will be necessary cannot be missing.

There remains the rediscovery and enhancement of our identity, the same that is celebrated throughout Italy on the seventh centenary of the great poet, to whom, regardless of the other, we owe a fundamental contribution to the formation of our language. It is not a question of reconverting anyone to a faith, to which many have been educated, losing it along the way, but of consciously accepting the Christian heritage, which, with an extraordinary myopia, Europe has refused to recognize, as if it were not what it is. precisely by virtue of that inheritance. Secularism in itself is an empty sack, which if it is not filled with values ​​falls back on itself, what does it mean in a land like ours that rightly boasts of being the guardian of a majority of the world's artistic heritage, when it is in large measure measures a tribute to the faith. I also believe that religion teachers should be eliminated, without taking too much account of the Concordat, which, among other things, can be traced back to a fascist and a parafascist, Mussolini and Craxi, unfortunately, if not accepted by the Vatican. , this would require deleting art. 7 of the Constitution; but then, if that were the case, art history teachers would also have to be trashed.

The post Family, identity, immigration control: three challenges on which the future of our civilization depends appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/famiglia-identita-controllo-dellimmigrazione-tre-sfide-da-cui-dipende-il-futuro-della-nostra-civilta/ on Wed, 30 Jun 2021 03:57:00 +0000.