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Good communication is not enough, now we need facts: overcome the closure-refreshment scheme and vaccinate

Net of the adulations of the “Conte's children”, that is journalists such as Marco Travaglio, Andrea Scanzi or the director of La Notizia , Gaetano Pedullà, the former prime minister Giuseppe Conte had begun to bore the country also in terms of communication. Basically, in an Italy weakened by the pandemic and its enormous economic and social costs, we could no longer stand the press conferences or direct via Facebook of the former prime minister. On the occasions when Palazzo Chigi addressed the Italians, the indication of a reliable time horizon never came out, perhaps due to the inability and negligence of those who had executive power in their hands, both regarding the management of the health emergency and with regard to compensation for economic activities crushed by repeated closures.

In short, concreteness was not at home in Giuseppe Conte's press conferences, and Italy had to endure rivers of useless and often incomprehensible words, which ended up multiplying anxieties and uncertainties. The only clear things that emerged from Conte's tedious declarations were in particular the requests for further sacrifices, to which one had to resign oneself even at the cost of massacring everyone's rights and freedoms, or blaming the Italians. If the infections do not go down, it is never the fault of the sloth of the ruling class, but of the irresponsibility of the citizen.

With the arrival of Mario Draghi, a large part of Italy, including even those who would have preferred early voting over yet another government-crowded, trusted in a clear discontinuity with the bad modus operandi of the previous yellow-red executive. So far we have seen some small lights, but there are still many shadows that do not allow, at least at the moment, to think of a real break with the bad film we have witnessed throughout 2020. Already at the time of the presentation of the list of ministers, the confirmation to the health ministry of Roberto Speranza has left even the most optimistic dismayed and frustrated. Speranza, the standard bearer of a misunderstood protection of public health, is where it was before, and the members of the Technical-Scientific Committee (CTS) are always in the same place. The tendency has remained to close the country and compress freedom a priori, even where it does not appear strictly necessary, to plug the system's organizational deficits. First it closes, perhaps because in this country we do not have the ability to do anything else, and then, without however offering certainties, we will "restore" at least a part of those companies that have suffered the various lockdowns .

The vaccination plan, admitted and not granted that there is a real plan in Italy, seems to proceed like a hot-headed engine. Of course, we are also behind because of the European Union, because it is the whole EU, out of arrogance and ineptitude, that lags behind the rest of the world, but some shortcomings are exclusively Italian. The removal of Domenico Arcuri was undoubtedly an opportune move, which suggests some glimpse of a faster and more efficient campaign at the national level.

Mario Draghi's communicative style is certainly less depressing and disarming than Contiano's. He is much less talkative than Giuseppe Conte, who transformed the pandemic into his own almost daily stage, speaks only when needed. The premier's video message of 8 March, at the conference “Towards a national strategy on gender equality”, certified a sort of turning point compared to the recent past. First, he called for speed on the vaccine front for a not-so-distant return to normality. It will be just words, moreover without the provision of a certain deadline, but it lifts the mood of the nation to listen to a prime minister who pursues a return to normalcy, rather than the calls for sacrifices of an onte that seemed to profit politically on an infinite emergency.

Mario Draghi thanked the Italians for their discipline and their patience, therefore, from now on, at least from the rooms of Palazzo Chigi, we should try to avoid unloading any blame on citizens or some categories of them, such as runners or young people from the nightlife . But, after the words, the facts will inevitably come. Otherwise, if we only persist in closing the country and the accelerator is not pressed with regard to vaccines, fewer and fewer people will be willing, with an infinite number of reasons, to accept the anti- Covid restrictions. Even those who have so far endured everything to see the end of this nightmare will become disobedient.

The post Good communication is not enough, now we need facts: overcome the closure-refreshment scheme and vaccinate appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/la-buona-comunicazione-non-basta-ora-servono-i-fatti-superare-lo-schema-chiusure-ristori-e-vaccinare/ on Fri, 12 Mar 2021 04:53:00 +0000.