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If the surreptitious vaccination obligation also enters schools

The proposal of the NPC (National Association of Principals, not to be confused with the National Partisans Association) to force non-vaccinated students to do distance learning, in the event that one of their classmates is positive, while the others could follow the lessons in presence , is clearly discriminatory and takes on a blackmailing character: either you vaccinate or you are "confined to the Dad". With this proposal, even the principals (pardon, school managers) implicitly recognize that Dad is much inferior to face-to-face teaching, both in terms of effectiveness and consideration by all components of the school world.

Furthermore, a distinction would be made between "immune" and "non-immune": one would be filed in special lists (how can we not think of the "ban lists" of bad memory?) And very strong pressure would be exerted on minors. Now, however, the same Association of Deans, through the mouth of its president, Antonello Giannelli, notes that "obviously the obligation for minors is not considered appropriate". Does this mean that then the obligation for adults would be "good and right"? The high schools are full of students who have reached and passed the age of majority: practically all those in the fifth grades and often even the fourth.

Sometimes one gets the impression that statements do not take reality into account, but are abstract statements of principle that must be applied. "Made Italy, you have to be Italians", Massimo D'Azeglio said, if I remember correctly (not to be confused with Massimo D'Alema), now Mario Draghi is as if to say: "Get the vaccines, you have to do the vaccinated "and all methods are used, from conditioning on the media, to the manipulation of information to end up with the denigration of" dissidents ": the astonishing declaration of the current Prime Minister remains emblematic, that the no-vax want everyone die!

It could be pointed out, to the author of the Green Pass decree, that being against the compulsory vaccination does not mean being prejudicial against vaccines. Maybe those who are against the compulsory vaccine prefer that a freedom of choice and weighting on the opportunity to undergo the inoculation of what are still drugs is left. Maybe someone could have fears of negative consequences on their organism; perhaps someone might consider it superfluous to make a vaccine that makes antibodies, as it already has them; perhaps one could simply deem therapy necessary when he is ill, not when he is bursting with health from all pores.

The insistence on the vaccination of the very young is singular (and is typical of Italy and not of the other EU countries), because it is the least at risk age group for Covid-19 , with a lethality rate of made to zero. There were also deaths as a result of these vaccinations (17,503 in the European Union, and about 500,000 people seriously damaged).

In short, the situation is not as rosy as they would like us to believe: there are lights and shadows, as in all real and non-ideological situations. Because this is precisely the point: that often, instead of starting from real considerations, we want to carry out a "program" of government. The technique is always the same: we make sure to postpone the state of emergency, even if there would be no conditions for doing so, so as to be able to issue decrees that can only be enacted for extraordinary reasons in case of urgency. In any case, Parliament will certainly validate them, as it is now subject to government decisions.

As for the teachers, then, the situation is even more paradoxical; the data speak of 85 per cent of teachers already vaccinated, and the concern that the remaining 15 must absolutely undergo such treatment is quite grotesque. It is not out of place the observation of the Guild , which considers misleading the fact that it is limited exclusively to this aspect in the debate on the school. And the "chicken coop classes"? And the missing teachers because not yet appointed? The Guild itself notes that this percentage, which is so high, measures the innate responsibility of teachers. I too would like to hope that this is the case and that it is not a sort of "homologation race". Meanwhile, I cannot forget that a similar "membership quota" (more than 80 percent) also occurred when teachers were asked to join the National Fascist Party …

The post If the surreptitious vaccination obligation also enters schools appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/se-lobbligo-vaccinale-surrettizio-entra-anche-nelle-scuole/ on Fri, 30 Jul 2021 03:55:00 +0000.