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Indebted and subsidized: the lockdown clears welfare assistance. And the “power” is convenient

There is a strange desire for subsidy in the air. Both by political forces and opinion leaders as well as by citizens. The blocking of economic activities and the related granting of subsidies, among other things, powerfully reintroduced the logic of welfare which, until then, although practiced, was at least deprecated by most. Now this is no longer the case, many citizens would also be taking away a lot of personal freedom in exchange for a donation of public money, albeit at the limits of subsistence. This attitude is partly the result of an Italian mindset , where the state is a mother (or cow) to be milked. Above all, however, in my opinion, it is the perverse result of a reality that seems normal to us and is instead on the verge of dystopia: the vast majority of us do jobs we hate.

In Italy, neither families nor schools teach how to transform one's passion into a professional activity. It didn't take Zalone to remind us that we still have the cult of a permanent job, that is, the greatest aspiration is to live for the salary, even better if public. Millions of people spend most of their lives awake doing activities they dislike, which make them feel bad. All this is considered normal and whoever has the coveted salary is considered a privileged person who must keep it tight. It is said: "this is real life, be resigned and satisfied because it works like this". But I don't want to resign myself and I would like to live in a nation that teaches the value of free enterprise, of risk, of taking responsibility in exchange for self-realization. Young people are encouraged and prepared to make money starting from their talents and passions, other than “good debt and bad debt”. We dedicate ourselves seriously and with adequate preparation to what we love and make it available to others, so that the money will arrive as a consequence. From this point of view, the web offers extraordinary opportunities to earn their knowledge. Rather than quibble about the distinction between "good and bad debt", young people should be taught to make their way around the world and earn a living on their own.

However, since all this does not happen in Italy, people would also agree to become subsidized slaves in order to get rid of a job where they are sick. And the "system" encourages them to do so, so that they can increase social control. The first acceleration was with the so-called citizenship income: you are doing nothing, the state gives you the subsidy but you have to spend it on certain things and not on others. Then came the lockdown , which for three months extended the logic of the subsidy to all self-employed workers (regardless of income). For employees, on the other hand, freezing of layoffs and layoffs (which is also a subsidy) sine die . And now the bonus policy, inaugurated in a big way by Renzi, is making great strides. There is a bonus for everything now: baby bonuses, holidays, bicycles, babysitting and so on and so forth. How do you pay for all these benefits in a great recession like this? With debt. The Recovery Fund is yet another gigantic debt operation, other than the victory of Count Vanesio.

Therefore, we are moving in the direction of increasingly indebted states and citizens increasingly subsidized thanks to the infinite QE of central banks. Are we sure that the governor of the Bundesbank, with his opposition to the zero rate policy, is dead wrong? A heavily indebted state is hostage to the few big players in the financial markets and the citizens subsidized by such a state are deprived of liberty and can be blackmailed. Is this what you want?

The post Indebted and subsidized: the lockdown clears welfare assistance. And it's handy for “power” appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/indebitati-e-sussidiati-il-lockdown-sdogana-lassistenzialismo-e-al-potere-fa-comodo/ on Mon, 31 Aug 2020 04:10:00 +0000.