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Islamophobia is only a pretext: the creeping war between Turkey and France behind the attacks

In the latest Islamic terrorist attack in France, the latest in chronological order, a jihadist of Tunisian origin beheaded three faithful Christians at random in the Notre Dame Cathedral in Nice. Not even an hour passes and justificationism begins, whether intentional or involuntary, we do not know, since it is now a conditioned reflex: if the French suffer so many attacks, it means that "they are looking for it". In this case, for the proud and brazen "liberté" of those who persist in allowing the publication of cartoons on Muhammad and even showing them in class, or projecting them on the walls of buildings in solidarity with Samuel Paty, a professor beheaded because he was guilty of contempt for Muhammad, in fact. This is a morally aberrant rhetoric, comparable to those who, in Pakistan, defend the Black Law against blasphemy. And it is also wrong. Terrorism in France is not an answer to the alleged French Islamophobia. The secular freedom defended by Macron is only a pretext.

Proof? There is a country in the world where Islamophobia kills and it is not France: it is China. Yet there have never been boycott campaigns in the Islamic world against Chinese products, the same threats from Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other Muslim leaders against the Beijing regime are not heard. With all that Uyghur Muslims, persecuted by Chinese Communists, are Turkic speakers, related to Turks, Erdogan winks at Beijing and encourages tourism and investment . In the Chinese re-education camps, 1.3 million Uighurs and Muslims of other ethnic groups are interned every year, according to the admission of the Beijing authorities. Chinese Islamophobia reaches the point that, as a "counter-terrorism measure", local authorities loyal to the Party order Muslims to eat pork during the Ramadan fast. Mosques are frequently demolished, or "sinized" even with the demolition of Islamic symbols. During the Covid-19 epidemic, the campaign against mosques even intensified , but did anyone hear protests rising from Islamic regimes, or from Erdogan's Turkey? The Chinese regime has fulfilled the nightmare of all Islamic peoples by sterilizing the women of the Muslim Uyghur minority. The accusation of having burned a copy of the Koran in Pakistan can cost the lives of entire Christian communities and even in Europe it can provoke uprisings in Muslim communities, as recently happened in Malmo , Sweden. But if the Chinese regime orders even hundreds of thousands of copies of the Koran to be burned , the reaction of world Islam is nil.

Why are Muslim communities in Europe, Turkey and Islamic regimes not protesting against China's (real) Islamophobia, but only against that of European countries where Muslim minorities enjoy full rights? It is unexplained why the Islamic regimes, always ready to order boycotts in support of immigrant Muslim populations, are instead so understanding with China, to the point of joining the coalition of countries that endorse the repression of Uighurs in the Xinjiang region, as is the case of Algeria, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Palestinian Authority, Somalia and Bangladesh. Curious that among these countries, which endorse the persecution of Muslims in China, there are some of those who are now at the forefront in denouncing the alleged "Islamophobia" of France, promoting the boycott: Kuwait, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Iraq, Pakistan, as well as to Turkey.

The accusation of Islamophobia against France, therefore, is only a pretext. So let's ask ourselves why the Islamic terrorists attack France. The war of Islamism (political and ideological Islam) against the West is a relatively old story, with ancient roots. Everyone knows that Islamists consider Europe (and not China) as the "land of war", the object of their conquest, peaceful or violent depending on the parties and movements that propose it. In France, as well as in the United Kingdom, Belgium and Germany, Islamic terrorism is relatively frequent, because Muslim communities are large and in certain neighborhoods they are majority. For a mere numerical question, even the rotten apples inside them are more numerous, they are protected from greater complicity and hide better.

A relatively new element has entered this affair: President Erdogan with his neo-Ottoman design. Turkish expansionism and the desire to present itself as a power of reference for Muslims from all over the world have pushed Erdogan to clash with the Armenians in the Caucasus, with the Greeks in the Aegean, with the Egyptians in Libya. And everywhere it finds a European obstacle: France is currently supporting all those who oppose Erdogan's hegemonic design, for reasons of economic interest, national interest, prestige or to protect ancient allies (as in the case of the Armenians). The politics of the Turkish Islamic party does not distinguish national interests from religious propaganda: everything is religion and everything is political at the same time, so associations like Milli Gorus bring both the Turkish Islamist word and the promotion of Ankara's interests to Europe. After the beheading of Samuel Paty, a history professor, guilty of showing students Charlie Hebdo's cartoons about Muhammad, Islamism in France has returned to the fore. And Erdogan immediately rode the wave, siding with the executioners and against the civil reaction of the victims. The Turkish president, even before the other Muslim leaders, immediately advised Macron to seek treatment for "psychiatric problems". He drew the weapon of victimhood, announcing that "Muslims in Europe are subject to a lynching campaign like the Jews before the Second World War". He upped the ante by inventing a humanitarian emergency: "Anti-Muslim hostility has spread like the plague, Muslim workplaces, homes and schools are attacked by fascist groups almost every day". And so it sparked hatred.

The post Islamophobia just a pretext: the creeping war between Turkey and France behind the attacks appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/lislamofobia-solo-un-pretesto-la-guerra-strisciante-tra-turchia-e-francia-dietro-gli-attacchi/ on Fri, 30 Oct 2020 03:43:00 +0000.