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Daily Atlantic

Persevering in one’s mistakes is the true cipher of the Draghi-Hope government

We have been witnessing for months the contradictory behavior of our Executive, made up of too large a majority to be able to develop a common and well-defined political vision. The ideological distance between the parties has accentuated the communication confusion, which is found in almost all the topics covered, and is one of the causes of the climate of distrust present in the country.

First of all, it is necessary to observe the method of managing the health emergency, totally devoid of an effective strategy and focused on the consistency of one's choices.

The winning models used by foreign nations such as the United Kingdom and Sweden have been judged negatively and derided, with the total lack of humility that often distinguishes our institutions. Also for this reason, the confirmation of the economic consequences that Italy suffers due to the absurd restrictions imposed by the government appears even more serious.

A mix of measures that, in addition to being illiberal, have proved useless, if not harmful. Instruments such as the Green Pass , a surreptitious vaccination obligation, have not prevented the increase in positive cases and the contagion between individuals holding the certificate and vaccinated with a double dose. A devastating result for the reputation of the many members of the Executive who had ensured immunization and the "guarantee of being among non-infected people", if equipped with a Green Pass .

However, if we have become accustomed to the blunders of figures like Roberto Speranza, reality is damaged by the figure of the much celebrated Prime Minister Mario Draghi. Arriving at Palazzo Chigi with a reputation as a savior of the homeland and a media coverage aimed at ridiculing and isolating any possible protester, his choices did not produce the desired results after a year. Contradictions, statements denied by the facts and choices changed in the course of a few weeks lead to questioning the goodness of the work of the economist as head of the government.

Furthermore, to further embitter is the judgment with which we try to silence any voice in defense of freedom, of the individual and of his free choice. A dangerous drift undertaken lightly, which distances us from the liberal democracies of the West and risks delivering us to a future where the state of exception can turn into normality.

The post Persevering in one's mistakes is the true figure of the Draghi-Speranza government appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL https://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/perseverare-nei-propri-errori-e-la-vera-cifra-del-governo-draghi-speranza/ on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 03:50:00 +0000.