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Salvini, Orbán and Morawiecki challenge the Popular Party and the European left

The leader of the League, according to the latest polls as the first Italian party, met Viktor Orbán and Mateusz Morawiecki, prime ministers of Hungary and Poland respectively, in Budapest. The aim of the three European leaders is to give life to a sort of "European renaissance", a new Europe based on traditional and conservative values, and to represent a credible alternative to the European left, but also to the alliance between popular and socialists and to the hegemony of the European People's Party, which in their opinion is increasingly moving away from the original values ​​of Europe.

The path indicated by the three leaders is clear: the European Union must deal with a few, important areas, but it must do so in a different spirit and changing pace. The ambition is to give life to a “Europe of the peoples”, which knows how to deal with the defense of borders, the security of European citizens and which is based on the national sovereignty of each member state.

At the end of the meeting Salvini explained that the intention shared with the other leaders is to bring about positive change in the EU, putting freedom, the right to life and work at the center. The leader of the League also stated that this is only the beginning of a path that will go on for a long time, possibly also involving new European parties. "We are not satisfied with being second, we aim to be first by representation in the European Union," he added.

During the press conference at the end of the meeting, the Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán reiterated his personal esteem for the former Italian interior minister, even calling him a "hero" for what he did during his mandate to fight immigration. clandestine and consequently protect the borders that he recalled as "the borders of Europe as a whole". Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki said he shares Salvini's idea: "I really like the idea of ​​a 'European Renaissance' that can restart Europe after the pandemic, we need to lay the foundations for a new Europe, starting from common values ​​to build the future ".

The one in Budapest was only the first of a series of meetings to be held in the three countries. Too bad that, as usual when it comes to the leaders of Poland and Hungary or the leader of the League, only comments loaded with prejudices and stereotypes came from the left and from the mainstream media, no will to understand.

The post Salvini, Orbán and Morawiecki challenge the Popular Party and the European left appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/salvini-orban-e-morawiecki-lanciano-la-sfida-al-partito-popolare-e-alle-sinistre-europee/ on Sat, 03 Apr 2021 03:50:00 +0000.