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Sanremo Festival of regime: the continuation of the policy with jesters

Politics is not the same for everyone and Sanremo is the continuation of the policy with jesters. What do the laws of politics say? They say: since we do not know how to get out of it, well close as and more than before. But with the due exceptions. The revived sect of the Sardines , a Piddina youth branch, has landed in Rome, at the Nazarene in support of the former secretary Zingaretti, a Dursian tendency, with sleeping bags, camping tents and thermal bags. Comic business, but you can understand it. Santori and the other mammasantissima have worked hard and now they claim their prize. But why is it only them on release while the country is armored? Draghi, the technician, doesn't he see these escaped from their bourgeois houses in Bologna or Catanzaro? Doesn't Hope, the minister of illness see them? Can't the forces of order see them sent to guard avenues, promenades and squares invaded by the boredom of the end of winter? They see them but ignore them because they have received precise instructions.

Similarly, in Sanremo one does not see even brazen, offensive privileges: a week of hairy and scoundrel sermons, inspired by the ministries of control, by the same ones who hug, kiss, rub tongues and asses on stage, rigorously without green or white cone, funnel-shaped patch. The final scene is a triumph, all above all in crazy crowds , the Maneskins that Orietta Berti calls "naziskin" , the macabre duo Michielin Fedez, who appear Wednesday and Uncle Fester, thus, en plen air , in the swirl of confetti with the orchestras who they look at them gagged and a little sad.

In Sanremo they took away, registered as a criminal and hunted a poor street singer Christ, a certain Piero Venery, who played Freddie Mercury, because he did not have a mask. In the open, he who was agitated and around a sparse and very prudent crowd. Treated as I miss the ISIS massacres, persona non grata on the Riviera for the next three years but in this way Ariston's faces should be put at 41bis for life. All without exception.

Another thing unites regime politics and Regime Festival: the infantilism of the end of the empire. This is where the Sardines , these professionalism of shit and doing little that after 35 years still make the goliardic "okkupations" and pose; beyond a plethora of small groups of little talent and a lot of karaoke , psychedelic shorts, scarp de tenni s, women dressed as meringue or with straitjackets, men no longer male, beards and enamel in scruple to the prevailing postgender of the Piddino mold , disguises like a wax museum, rompers, polisex skirts, rapping or crying asses and many nursery rhymes without seriousness, ostentatiously childish, as if to say: but yes, let's be idiots, that there is nothing more to defend.

There was not even a disturbing resemblance between Sardina Mattia and Lodo, ​​the singer of the Social State who is already a whole program from the name. And they tell us that they are different from us anyway. They can. Ah, shut up and good, like the song of the "Naziskin" and leave the good and right power to finish the job.

Thirteen months of lockdown , they realize it's not working and what do they do? An even tighter lockdown . “The last one”, writes Repubblica , and if Repubblica writes it, you can swear it's not true. The last one until the next. But they do it for us, crazy sheep that we do not know how to manage, who transgress the dictates of good power including that of looking at Sanremo and worshiping it. We are unable to provide for ourselves, we need, Leninistically, a leading party, a paternalistic technicalist authoritarian regime. We need the Miozzo and the others of the CTS, the Speranza and the Lucarelli, we even need the Lodo and the Mattia. You say you never see them with a mask? What speeches, they are artists of a time that does not exist, virtuosos of barking and obsequious art. And you do the favor, quiet and good and keep the mask on that "we know it is useless, but it is out of kindness to the wearer", as an inspector said to poor Freddie Mercury while taking him away.

The post Sanremo Festival of regime: the continuation of politics with jesters appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/sanremo-festival-di-regime-la-continuazione-della-politica-coi-giullari/ on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 04:51:00 +0000.