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The Ciampolillos are not enough to govern, Conte has exhausted his cycle

The two days of voting in Parliament for trust in the Conte government highlighted the tragicomic paradox of an executive who, while on the one hand he talked about the future, the Recovery Fund and the management of the pandemic, on the other he went in search of peons – especially in the Senate – to keep power. The People's Advocate, having risen to the role of leader of the "progressive camp" to de-save Italy, found himself ciampolillized by Renzi. With these numbers in the Senate the political viability of the Government is almost nil in the classroom and in the commissions. The assistance – legitimate, for heaven's sake – of the 3 senators for life cannot be enough for Conte to compensate for the loss of a truly political leg of his majority, that represented by the Renzians, once the starting engine of his second executive.

But if we laughed with the Ciampolillos and the Giarrussois – a really bitter laugh, made behind our own backs – the political figures of Tuesday's vote are there for all to see. First of all, we witnessed yet another episode of Forza Italia chalking. All the responsible builders who voted in favor of Conte came from the ranks of the Berlusconians both in the House and in the Senate. A chalking in place for 10 years now, since the time of the Finian split, the appearance of the first "responsible", and the birth of the New Center Right and the Conservatives and Reformists even before Idea and Cambiamo! , from the ribs of Berlusconi's party. The forces are in trouble after the passage of Ravetto and Zanella to the League and the defeat in the reshuffle of the Lombard council, where the councilor for Health Gallera has been put out, and the one for productive activities, Mattinzoli, has lost his powers. Forza Italia, among other things, also lost the vice-presidency of the Region.

But if the Azzurri are perhaps experiencing the final phase of their agony, also finding it difficult to propose a narrative that is different from that of the Democratic Party – yesterday between the interventions of Mirabelli and Ronzulli in the courtroom they struggled to see significant differences – the other fact significant of political psychodrama is the renewed centrality of a Renzi who seemed to have been given up for dead only the day before and who, with his abstention, holds Conte in his hands now as never before. The government, which has obtained only a relative majority in the Senate, will now begin the hunt for new leaders who, contrary to what was trumpeted by the friendly press, did not reveal themselves even yesterday. Some posts of government and sub-government could entice someone, but the feeling is that Conte has exhausted his cycle and that it will be difficult for him to ferry this Parliament towards the white semester and the inevitable transitional government – perhaps led by Marta Cartabia – that would lead the country towards the election of a new president of the Republic and the elections. The first with 400 deputies and 200 senators.

Propping up the majority with some "human case" – as the Senator of the Brothers of Italy Ciriani rightly defined them – confirms the inadequacy of the government in an extraordinary period (with, unfortunately, strictly negative) of the public life of the country marked by pandemic and the economic recession.

In the end, Renzi, who in his speech massacred the government of which he was an active part as well as the creator, was and is right: the country has died in the past from small coasters and still risks dying today. Except that the Italians no longer want him to pose criticisms and questions. A Conte would need a step, a consideration and a political action that is not in his leguleio's strings: an era is over and with 156 senators you cannot govern. Neither Italy nor the pandemic.

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This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/non-bastano-i-ciampolillo-per-governare-conte-ha-esaurito-il-suo-ciclo/ on Thu, 21 Jan 2021 04:59:00 +0000.