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Daily Atlantic

The crickets for the head of the premier who wanted to “reinvent Italy”, no less!

Who knows why, every time I hear about “Sistema Italia” , a shiver runs down my spine. Like all the other zerbinotti who believed the Republic was enough to represent us all, every new state structure, mostly never passed through the Chambers, arouses me a lot of perplexity. I read on Saturday morning, in one of the main news agencies, that Prime Minister Conte said: “Now we need courage, it's time to reinvent Italy. I have said it on several occasions: we do not want to restore normality, we are more ambitious ” . Oh my God, we have all understood that he is an ambitious one, but that he even needs to reinvent a nation unanimously defined, for centuries, the cradle of civilization, and that it is not the rulers who adapt to the country but the opposite, a little frightening, let's face it frankly. What exactly this much-heralded "Italian System" consists of, we have not yet understood.

If we were to interpret this vulgate with exegetical criteria, we would say that the term indicates the team (which more than a team looks like a Division) of those called in a hurry to the maneuver of the supreme levers of the State, that is, those co-opted of whom we know very little, with almost unknown previous professional skills, which today form the "government team". Even on the latter term, often uttered by its own exponents, we should ask ourselves, at least to understand whether this structure has been envisaged in some fold of our Constitution. I don't know, but maybe I'm wrong. It is not a question of fleasing the extraordinary variety of institutional neologisms that are distributed to us every day, but of something much more worrying. Could it be that they feel like new counts of Cavour eager to be Italians, after having made Italy? Because, if that were the case, they should be reminded that in 1861 Italy understood as a unique and invisible nation was a novelty, and the result of the bloody events of the Risorgimento, and that we are in 2020. May the current decision-makers be so eager to redo the Italians appears, frankly, too much and, in any case, completely unjustified. If I were mischievous, I might think that these proclamations are borrowed from the football jargon of the fans who would like to remake the entire team that fails to win by replacing everyone, from the goalkeeper to the center forward. Speaking of football, however, we should add that some teams have shown that they know how to move up in the standings after changing coaches and, sometimes, even all the management staff. I want to be clear: I never doubted that I was dealing with gentlemen, however very ambitious and with a strong tendency to personal worship, but all deeply convinced of being able (and even in a little bit of a corner) to repair the Italian flaws, many of which already existed before this government. But some method exceptions are legitimate and still do not find convincing justifications in the choice of the means adopted.

This somewhat obscure “Italian System” resembles something that arose on the margins of our institutional structure, halfway between the rigid norm (which if it were not rigid it would not be the norm) and the desire for an imposed social cohesion that does not convince. Whenever we are forced to stay all in the same boat and all row in the same direction, one could reply: "Did we (by vote) choose to be in this boat?" and even: “In what direction? Who chose this route and on which nautical charts was it drawn? ”. Agree; I already know that many, these questions do not ask themselves. Blessed are they who, evidently, place so much trust in the "Italian System" of which they will certainly have understood the meaning, which escapes me. To achieve it, will any means be lawful? Too bad that Machiavelli never said that "the end justifies the means" because it would suit us well. But even if we could not discuss the means, the question of the end to be pursued would remain, which appears confused, contradictory and, even that, poorly illustrated in the necessary wealth of details in Parliament. “Sistema Italia” beats Parliament two to zero. And the game isn't over yet.

The post The crickets for the head of the premier who wanted to "reinvent Italy", no less! appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/i-grilli-per-la-testa-del-premier-che-voleva-reinventare-litalia-nientemeno/ on Mon, 14 Sep 2020 04:23:00 +0000.