Daily Atlantic

The cut of parliamentarians seals thirty years of anti-politics: the seed of self-destruction sown years ago

The seed of self-destruction of the Italian political system has been sown for years and has found fertile ground not only in the "ignorant people", but also in newspapers, TV, courtrooms, grand commis of the state and large families of Italian entrepreneurship, and in the politicians themselves. The establishment has wisely fueled this climate where the mob rule has replaced the rule of law, with paralyzing effects on the Italian system

Although with a smaller majority than expected, the cut in the number of parliamentarians has become a reality. Italy will have 400 deputies and 200 senators to the delight of the anti-caste caste that governs it. However, it would be wrong to attribute to the 5 Star Movement alone the paternity of the measure that the Italians confirmed in the constitutional referendum. Nor can the phenomenon of anti-politics be dismissed as transient populism or, even worse, as the esprit du temps .

The Italy that in 2020 equalized the role of parliamentarian to an armchair is the same that in 1992 rejoiced in the media and judicial lynching of the protagonists of Tangentopoli, exalting the antagonists in toga. It is the same one who sought the solution to all his ills in the successful entrepreneur, in the sober professor and in the sobriety of a former European commissioner. It is the same one that when Monti cut the provinces with a decree-law eliminating the provincial councils, he rejoiced in the savings and cost cutting, without wondering whether it was constitutionally possible to clear the provinces by decree (answer: no), nor who took over to perform the functions delegated to them.

But this Italy devoid of political culture, a bit ruffled and with a "low" vision of politics, is not represented only by the much-despised "common people". Rather. The media, the grand commis of the state, the great families of Italian entrepreneurship – or what remains of it – and even the Italian political system have wisely cultivated this climate where the mob rule has replaced the rule of law, with paralyzing effects on the system itself. From the referendum of Mario Segni to today, the country has made a triple leap backwards, sealed by yesterday's vote and by the next electoral reform in the pipeline, conceived precisely to guarantee – through the false promise of a greater balance between the political forces that it should derive from the proportional system – which will always be the usual ones, through small-scale cabotage agreements and agreements, to govern the country. After all, we are the country where the Democratic Party has governed in 9 of the last 10 years without ever having an electoral mandate to do so. Indeed, he has sometimes done so despite being explicitly sent to the opposition by the electoral body.

Those who wrote that the representation was already in painful conditions before the pentastellata scissor kick did not say a strange thing. The parliamentarians had already descended from above, with no relation to their constituencies, in most cases. But thinking of solving the problem of representation by designing even larger and less representative constituencies means playing for the worse the better. A bit like hoping that your team loses because the coach you don't like is exonerated. A bit like voting for the 5 Stars because, a lot, "the others all sucked".

The seed of self-destruction of the Italian political system has been sown for years and has found fertile ground in newspapers, TV, courtrooms, men of action and, as mentioned, in the politicians themselves. If politics sometimes gives a bad image of itself, overwhelmed by scandals and inaction, it is not with downward choices that it will improve. Italian politics must go back to looking up, to foreshadow a future for itself that is not subordinated to judicial inquiries or embarrassing genuflussing before foreign powers. Sodani, Tofali, Dibba and various Taverne are the result of 30 years of total enslavement of the ruling and political class to the worst instincts of the country's belly. But by doing so our public life has not improved, the quality and virtuosity of our rulers has not shot up. In doing so, we are heading towards Latin America. Just what the 5 Stars and the whole variegated world of Italian Peronism dreamed of.

The post The cut of the parliamentarians seals thirty years of anti-politics: the seed of self-destruction sown years ago appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/il-taglio-dei-parlamentari-suggella-un-trentennio-di-antipolitica-il-seme-dellautodistruzione-gettato-anni-fa/ on Wed, 23 Sep 2020 03:45:00 +0000.