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The latest Hollywood madness: the Cencelli minority manual for films competing for the Oscars

This story of inclusiveness is giving you friends of the Academy Awards at your head, but not only you, even here in Italy for some time now we have been using the term and the concept of inclusiveness depending on of how it suits the sponsors of this or that ideology that they want us to propose.

This project of cultural control which, for those who still do not know it, or who did not understand it, is a supranational ideological movement, born from the manifesto of the Greek economist, philosopher, politician and activist Takis Fotopoulo "For a Global Democracy" , or the worldwide creation of an inclusive democracy, is a socialist-libertarian political-economic system, which aims to create an egalitarian society governed by an Athenian-style direct democracy, with a democratically planned self-management economy strongly based on the principles of social ecology. And to do social ecology, it is well known, you have to start with the ecology of thought, that is, make a selection of thought that matches the political design in people's minds, remove everything that is not part of the "conquest" plan.

Plan to which even the Studios have evidently decided to join. In fact, according to the new code of ethics freshly presented to the press, the films that may be candidates for the Oscar will have to respect strict rules and criteria of plot and representation of this or that ethnic minority which must be a category in some statute. “under-represented” way. In short, from Los Angeles, like Savonarola in the fifteenth century, they decided that it is time to teach us how to be in the world, how to live, how to include "the other from us" even in fiction. Because, let's remember, apart from a few rare cases in which life imitates art, it is art that imitates life.

And then life is bad, mean and marginalizing, full of voices that will never be heard, judgments and prejudices that up to now just the cinema from Charlie Chaplin onwards has often highlighted with ferocity and without any “inclusiveness”. Our Catons – Americanization to Alberto Sordi di Catoni, the censors – have also decided the percentages: at least 30 percent of all actors in the film must come from under-represented groups, such as women (i.e. women are officially under-represented in the world like blacks, indigenous, Middle Eastern, Hawaiian natives or other islands of the Pacific LGBTQ , cognitively disabled or deaf. Good to know).

But the thing will be fully operational only in 2025, so the sensitivity of the people and professionals has another five years to "comply with the legislation". These are fools.

In the meantime, so tell us, can we continue to be ugly dirty and bad? Sergio Leone and not only him would not have taken it very well.

Depriving cinema, that is the art of narrating through images and suggestions of its emotional component, forcing the viewer to look only at aggregate contents within rigid parameters of what is right and what is appropriate in terms of inclusiveness is the death of creativity , the death of cinema, the death of art, is an intellectual Frankenstein assembled with pieces of Africans, Swedes, Jews and Maori from Papua, otherwise it's not good, it doesn't include, it doesn't represent. But imposing having to represent an unrealistic reality where there is always a poor marginalized by the standards is the most puritanical, good-natured, boring and hypocritical that can exist.

Even those who work in the productions will have to respect the criteria for selecting personnel, even the marketing, even the advertising of the film will have to crush them with three seconds of universal fraternalism even in the trailer and in the billboard or in the poster, where according to them we will have to guess maybe what is the homosexual, presumably from the face, who knows …

The villains and the inglorious bastards, however, both in primary and non-protagonist roles, can be adequately represented by everyone, good ugly, low fat, and we will no longer have to be bad by not letting all the children play, not inviting them all to the party, otherwise he tugged on his little hands and no gold statue.

But, on the other hand, we have also seen it in this edition of the Venice Film Festival, unfortunately by now the film establishment thinks only on one side, that is almost always on the left, with the usual and well-known presumption of having to give guidelines also at the thought, with the depressing result, that even what was the festival par excellence of our national and European productions has been reduced to echoing the catwalk of former cubists, former sales assistants, few real actors, complete with a closed fist photographers of Gael Garcia Bernal and new 5-star politicucci with ladies in tow, even dressed up badly (because if you go in an institutional capacity to remember "how culture and in particular cinema are an extraordinary vehicle for promoting the territory and tourism, and that are intimately connected to the promotion of exports ", and the promotion of the territory, you can also go through the door instead of the red carpet, indeed you must).

Who knows if they have understood – or will ever understand it – that by demeaning creativity with the imposition of sweetened and controlled contents as well as in a cultural sense also in the social and political one they are further ghettoizing all the categories they would like to include. For example, I might feel not included, because in a while the assholes who still think for themselves and judge what they like and how they like and claim the right to exclude whoever they like will be in the minority. Let's take back the wickedness, we are underrepresented.

The post The latest Hollywood madness: the Cencelli handbook of minorities for films competing for the Oscars appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/lultima-follia-di-hollywood-il-manuale-cencelli-delle-minoranze-per-i-film-che-concorrono-agli-oscar/ on Fri, 11 Sep 2020 04:34:00 +0000.