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The lies of the government and the media come to light: mistake to bet on the Green Pass, third doses to the stake

Double deception on the Green Pass: first duration at 12 months, against all scientific evidence, to encourage vaccination; now they want to reduce it to 9 or 6 to force the third dose

But the decision to hunt down the last of the unvaccinated and even chase children leaves those most at risk uncovered

The script was already written, but this does not mean that we can read it and move on. It was written that with the arrival of the cold season, more favorable to the circulation of the virus, and with the progressive increase in the share of vaccinated people who have received the second dose for over 6 months (between March and May 2021), not only the infections would be returned to rise, but among the infected (and also among the hospitalized), the percentage of vaccinated with double dose would have risen. Today in Germany those over 60 with double doses represent 45 percent of hospitalized, reports Bild .

And already written was the sudden switch of the narrative of the government and the mainstream media. In these days we are witnessing the rude awakening: comrades counterorder! The effectiveness of the vaccines lasts 6 months, run to get the third dose. "Now we have to run," says the health minister Speranza literally.

Indeed, Corriere della Sera leaked, the government is thinking of reducing the validity of the Green Pass to 9 or even 6 months, given that vaccine protection drops faster than expected (expected by whom?). So, was it a mistake to raise it from 6 to 12 months in the summer? On the other hand, we are answered with imperturbable chutzpah and contempt for ridicule, we need to modulate the rules based on the scientific evidence that gradually emerges …

Here it is, yet another mystification in progress in these hours: to present to public opinion the drastic reduction in the effectiveness of vaccines after 6 months as a recent scientific acquisition, a fact that has emerged in recent days and not, instead, a fact now established by months but which in Italy authorities and aligned information have deliberately ignored, refusing to adjust anti- Covid policies accordingly .

It was known since the beginning of the summer, since Israel and the United Kingdom – the countries in those days ahead in the vaccination campaign – had registered an unexpected surge in infections, which could not be explained otherwise – as we had immediately observed in Atlantico Quotidiano – that with a significant contribution of the vaccinated to the circulation of the virus. As early as mid-June in Israel, the trend was clear: with the spread of the Delta variant, a significant decrease in the efficacy of vaccines was immediately noted 5-6 months after the administration of the second dose. And the Israeli authorities made no secret of it, the data week after week was public.

Pfizer herself, in a statement of 8 July, explained that "as can be seen from the data collected in the field by the Israeli Ministry of Health, the effectiveness of the vaccine in preventing both infection and the development of symptoms declines six months after the vaccination, although the effectiveness in preventing severe cases remains high ". And the pharmaceutical company announced that in the following weeks it would ask the regulatory authorities, the FDA in the US and the EMA in the EU, for authorization for the third dose of its vaccine.

In mid-July, the data published by the Israeli government, relating to the period June 20-July 17, left no doubt, unequivocally confirming the decline in the effectiveness of the vaccine in preventing infection, which dropped to 39 percent. And between the second half of July and the first half of August, the first scientific studies began to arrive, based on data collected by Israel and the United Kingdom.

Those were the same days in which in Italy the obligation of the Green Pass was extended, starting from the age of twelve, to many daily activities, well beyond trips abroad and major events, for which it was initially conceived. The Green Pass was therefore based from the outset on a double claim that even then, in mid-July, when it was made mandatory for access to the internal premises of bars and restaurants, and to be able to carry out sports activities or attend shows, it was denied by science: namely, that vaccinated people could not get infected and contagious and that the effectiveness of vaccines was guaranteed for at least 12 months.

On August 22, the Israeli Prime Minister declared: "If five months have passed since the second dose, you are not protected." But in Italy it could not be said.

In Italy those who in those days dared to raise doubts, who on the basis of Israeli and British experiences observed that with the spread of the Delta variant the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing infection was significantly lower, and dropped after only 5-6 months, was pointed out as no-vax , because then vaccines had to be "sold" as lifesavers and justified the Green Pass at 12 months.

And we understand why: people could not be forced (because this is a surreptitious obligation) to get a vaccine, admitting that its effectiveness would only last 6 months. An incentive was needed. Hence the lie: by extending the validity of the Green Pass issued with the vaccine to 12 months from the second dose, citizens were made to believe, against all scientific evidence already available at the time, that the coverage lasted at least one year, as among other things some televirologist dared to support …

Even more serious, therefore, has made the Green Pass mandatory to work and receive a salary, the only country among the advanced ones. An ideological battle, given that the vaccination campaign was progressing at a good pace and we were already among the countries with the highest rates of vaccinated, conducted on false scientific premises.

And in this battle, the Draghi government threw itself body and soul, staked all its chips on the Green Pass tool, regardless of the deep lacerations in the social fabric it was causing. The result is that today, that the infections are rising, even among the vaccinated, we discover not only that we are very backward with the third doses, but that we also find ourselves with a big communication problem: how to explain – and explain it quickly – to the Italians who oops , the vaccine does not last 12 months, you have to get the booster.

How you do it? Simple, with another lie: the decisive distinction between protection from contagion and protection from serious illness and death has suddenly disappeared from the headlines of newspapers and TV. Within a couple of days, with the Green Pass in place and still valid for many months for most people, the double dose seems to have gone from one chance of survival to fresh water. It will not be long, we fear, and the vaccinated with double dose undecided whether to take the third will be branded as no-vax .

The institutional communication on the third dose has barely, and in a confusing way, begun these days, but it risks being already late. Today the hubs should be full of over 60s, instead they are empty, many even closed.

The government got it wrong. Too busy gagging and criminalizing the no-vax and no-greenpass dissent , passing off the vaccinated as "immunized", getting a scapegoat, starting the "project fear" to vaccinate even children, he presented himself again unprepared to the appointment with reality. Of course, we can boast of almost 90 per cent of vaccinated people, but of which perhaps a third already without real coverage and with nothing done on schools and transport. And the most discovered are also the most at risk, the elderly, health and school personnel, who first received the second dose, between March and May. A real health bomb ready to explode. The summer and early autumn "campaign" was not to be for the Green Pass but for third doses to people at risk.

Here lies not only the uselessness, but the real damage of the Green Pass . Who will undoubtedly have, with a cowardly blackmail, forced someone to get vaccinated, mostly kids who would not have filled intensive care in any case, but at the price of a lie about the effectiveness of vaccines – not to mention a social confrontation profound – which today makes it more difficult to explain to the Italians, and precisely to the most at risk, that they have to run – literally – to take the third dose. On such delicate issues, trust is built with transparency and credibility, not with lies and coercion. And this is why the administration of third doses languishes. We ignored the data that emerged from the summer experiences of Israel and the United Kingdom, wasting months of time.

And the strategy of the United Kingdom, derided and defamed, opposed to ours, has instead proved to be successful. The contagion curve has already been down for two weeks, after the peak of 50,000 a day in mid-October (with hospitalizations and deaths always under control) which had triggered the usual canea of ​​attacks and jokes. And it's downhill with no reintroduction of any restrictions and no extended Green Pass obligation. It is not the first time, also this summer we had witnessed the same dynamic, after the complete reopening in July.

How can this be explained? The British authorities have wisely dosed their strategy by adapting it to the strengths and limitations of vaccines. First of all, they spaced the two doses as much as possible, in order to delay the decline in efficacy. Having reached a percentage of about 75 per cent of vaccinated people, lower than ours, they did not rage on the recalcitrant and doubtful, but began to focus on third doses to the people most at risk, the over 50s, recalled with a text message (already 11 million third doses, while 2.5 million by us), while the youngest developed natural antibodies – the most effective and long-lasting – by coming into contact with the virus. In this way, protecting the most vulnerable people but without expecting to reset the cases, with each wave the virus encounters an increasingly extended immunity barrier and the infections begin to descend rapidly without too much damage.

The post The lies of the government and the media come to light: mistake to bet on the Green Pass, third doses on the pole appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/le-bugie-di-governo-e-media-vengono-a-galla-errore-puntare-sul-green-pass-terze-dosi-al-palo/ on Mon, 15 Nov 2021 03:53:00 +0000.