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The rise of “Woke” in the United Kingdom: cultural Marxism in a racial and gender vein

He was born in the United States and is a close relative of the Critical Race Theory (which we already had the opportunity to talk about here a month ago) and the Black Lives Matter movement , and is called "Woke" or "Wokeism" , alluding to an alleged " awakening "of the adepts from an equally presumed sleep of reason that would afflict whites and all normal people in general … In fact, it could also be said hastily that this phenomenon – which we have already dealt with here – is none other than the yet another reincarnation of cultural Marxism, this time in racial sauce, gender, etc. Now he has crossed the ocean and triumphed in football stadiums at the recent European championships with the pantomime of kneeling at a kilo. In the United Kingdom it seems to be depopulating, as evidenced by field research carried out by the famous and respected American pollster-political scientist Frank Luntz.

"Our polls", Luntz wrote a few days ago in the British Daily Mail , "covered a wide range of topics, from politics to economics, from society to culture, in collaboration with the Center for Policy Studies , the think-tank co-founded by Margaret Thatcher. We had a simple mission: to listen to what all Brits really think and feel, not just the loud ones with their social media-enabled megaphones, and then report the results. '

Well, the survey found that when asked to choose between the statements "The UK is a nation of equality and freedom" and "The UK is an institutionally racist and discriminatory nation", 37 per cent of respondents say they are is a racist country, while if you ask if British society "offers people a fair chance to assert themselves to those who work hard and take their responsibilities" or if "it is full of injustices and inequalities that severely limit too many people" , 42 percent – and 58 percent of Labor voters – say the country is fraught with injustice and inequality.

The picture worsens considerably if the country is analyzed on the basis of age and party and social affiliation. First, says Luntz, Britain "is voting more and more on the basis of culture, not economy." Second, the people who think Britain is institutionally racist and discriminatory are overwhelmingly young people. Furthermore, Labor voters are much more likely to say that Britain is "racist", "unequal" and generally torn apart by serious conflict. They are deeply convinced that the political and economic system is against them: between 18 and 29, 57 percent think so, 20 points higher than any other age group.

"They see the world around them in a completely different way from those who are older", writes Luntz, and while the majority of respondents believe that the "White privilege" actually exists , young people believe that the problem "must be addressed directly with specific educational initiatives and public policies ”and that“ whites must understand that their whole life has been easier because of the color of their skin ”. Instead, the other option is discarded, namely that "attention should be paid to people who need help regardless of skin color". It is also curious to note that young people as a whole are more likely to think that their country is systematically racist than the non-white community …

The result of the rise of Wokeism is that belief in the principles of economic freedom and meritocracy is at an all-time low in the UK. People's trust in democracy itself is seriously shaken.

However, as Luntz says, the real problem we have with the Woke culture is that it is just as intolerant as what it claims to oppose. According to "them" the voice of those who disagree should not be heard, and this simply because it would belong to the "privileged". The adepts of the new sect believe that I, a dissident, can be fired with impunity, dehumanized, delegitimized. "Instead of raising those in need, we try to bring down all the others".

How can we accept that in 2021, in a country like the United Kingdom, 28 percent of people stopped talking to someone, face to face or online , for something said perhaps in passing, talking about politics? But, beware, "between 18 and 29, the percentage rises to 53 percent, the majority".

We in America have already seen where all this leads, says Luntz bitterly. "The woke not only destroys friendships or the quality of debate, but also undermines respect for the past, faith in the future and commitment to economic freedom for all". It states without hesitation that you "have not been successful in life through hard work, effort and perseverance". No, if you have succeeded it is only “because you exploited others, even if you did not realize you were doing it and even if that exploitation took place decades or even centuries ago”.

As for the rest of Europe, and Italy in particular, there is no reason to think that, from the point of view of the spread of the Woke phenomenon, it is far better than the United Kingdom. Among other things, we have in common with Great Britain the fact that the political (electoral) trend is anything but left-oriented, and therefore, if despite this the phenomenon spreads across the Channel, we cannot think of being safe. not even we on this side. But if that is the case, Luntz's final warning to British entrepreneurs and companies also concerns their counterparts within the EU: there will be no discounts for those who genuflect in front of the new verb:

“The United States has seen a slew of companies write seven-figure checks to Black Lives Matter , humiliating themselves before Woke's warriors, hoping to be spared. It does not work. It never happened. It never will be. In today's world, you can talk as much as you like about your business purpose or charitable donations. The Woke will hate you anyway ”.

Which, in the very modest opinion of the writer, can well be extended to our own political parties and politicians: no one is under the illusion of being able to ride the tiger with impunity.

The post The rise of “Woke” in the United Kingdom: cultural Marxism in a racial and gender vein appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/rubriche/lascesa-del-woke-nel-regno-unito-marxismo-culturale-in-salsa-razziale-e-gender/ on Wed, 21 Jul 2021 03:50:00 +0000.