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The unvaccinated perfect weapon of distraction from the real evils that politics cannot cure

What a bad climate in Italy.
A top down and far from democratic policy has succeeded in the "masterpiece" of inciting 86 percent of Italians against an almost infinitesimal slice of what remains, in other words, of other Italians.
Yes, because, apart from those who, despite the rules and blackmail, cannot get the vaccine for their reasons, there is really nothing left.
Yet that handful of stubborn on the pages of newspapers and on television screens become a whole horde of fomented, dangerous madmen, monsters to point to almost all the evils in the world.
Evils that politics, the other evils, not Covid , cannot cure.
That's all, easy easy.
The "masterpiece" has succeeded, thanks also to the complicity of a certain "journalism", which not only rhymes with servility but which is even an accomplice of this show destruction.
The "masterpiece" had to and must succeed at all costs, for the same reason, just as simple, even glaring.
Because it has to magnify even the freak phenomena, because it has to create monsters.
And if he doesn't find them, he has to invent them, he has to send them straight to the stage anyway.
Huge, dazzling:
"It's their fault!"
But what about?
Of the work that isn't there?
Pensions that we will never see?
Of the expensive gasoline or the rise in utility costs?
These are the evils that politics cannot cure.
Those of a globalization that had promised us to be able to make us all richer and which, with the coup de grace of a single currency managed very badly, instead made us all poorer, suddenly and definitively.
These are the real great dramas of our time, not to mention the time of the new generations.
But now, here is the perfect trick:
"It's their fault", right?
Whose, how much, of that 10 percent?
Of everything: "The fault lies with the no-vax!"
And all bleating behind, while they no longer know how to shop.

The post The unvaccinated perfect weapon of distraction from the real evils that politics cannot cure appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/i-non-vaccinati-arma-perfetta-di-distrazione-dai-veri-mali-che-la-politica-non-sa-curare/ on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 03:50:00 +0000.