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Daily Atlantic

The West’s “self-denial” that feeds sympathy for authoritarian regimes and drifts

Sympathies, affinities, convergences, complicity, call them whatever you like, for overt regimes or simple authoritarian drifts, would seem to gradually take hold in Italy as well. We must acknowledge, with deep concern, a growing disaffection for democracy in a large part of public opinion. The system of checks and balances guaranteed by the democratic system appears to many as a limit, an obstacle to the resolution of concrete and urgent problems. Not least those who occupy pro tempore government positions, who stifle any parliamentary discussion by systematic recourse to the vote of confidence. Isn't this also a practice which, in the eyes of Italians, risks appearing as a muscular manifestation of bursting democratic weakness?

Isn't the extension of the Covid state of emergency, decided by the government without any adversary, also an anomaly in a democratic country? Shouldn't the imposition of a compulsory Green Pass to access workplaces or socializing places push us to some small examination of conscience? Much of the sympathy for the Tsar of all the Russias is due to an identical and opposite reaction to a progressive poisoning of our immune system, rendered incapable of understanding the sense of the limit. Let us not be surprised, therefore, at the insane enthusiasm aroused by the Russian initiative, in the hearts and minds of some nostalgics, both on the right and on the left.

The clarity has failed, the love for the millenary western culture has been denied, the taste for freedom supplanted by the chimeric myth of an existence without risks and uncertainties. Ukraine is not an exotic and unknown land, a forgotten and inaccessible destination, it is the neighborhood around the corner, the periphery of our lives, a warning not to be ignored. The risk is not the return of communism or fascism, but the loss of oneself, the forgetfulness of Western and, above all , Italian values. The masterpieces of ancient Latin literature, medieval Christian thought, humanism and the Renaissance, the Enlightenment of Cesare Beccaria, the philosophy of Croce and Gentile, the beauty and grandeur of our past, all forgotten, devoured by an ahistorical nihilism , indifferent and devoid of value coordinates.

And here is the true denial, the nothingness that spreads, without restraint and impediment, emptying us from the inside, chaining us to our most ancestral and primitive fears. A state of political, ethical and cultural bewilderment that makes us slaves, incapable of critical thinking, joyfully reaching out to the boss on duty. Simple passers-by along the path of history.

The post The West's “self-denial” that fuels sympathy for authoritarian regimes and drifts appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL https://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/il-negazionismo-di-se-delloccidente-che-alimenta-la-simpatia-per-regimi-e-derive-autoritarie/ on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 03:42:00 +0000.