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This is why the lockdown serves more to safeguard the political class than our health

A year after the first declaration of a state of emergency adopted to counter the spread of the coronavirus , I have gained the conviction that the Italian political class has deliberately decided for its own advantage that it does not want to accept the challenge of living with the pandemic.

The repeated adoption of numerous lockdowns was presented by the Government, Parliament and regional presidents as the only tool capable of securing the life and health of millions of citizens. On the other hand, I believe that this choice hides, in reality, the fear of the ruling class of showing inability and ineptitude to rethink and reorganize the public administration in order to combine the fight against the pandemic and the safeguarding of human civilization in the forms in which we have so far. known.

It does not take many turns of words to demonstrate how the imposition of the lockdown protects politicians and public leaders from the obligation to continue providing goods and services in less comfortable conditions than ordinary ones and from the need to demonstrate inventiveness, determination, courage and ability. particularly high management.

Tackling the pandemic without suspending "the breath of civilization" would require, in fact, an efficient organization led by competent and responsible people, who, in all the most relevant sectors, from health to transport, from public education to social services, should succeed. to guarantee individual rights and freedoms without exposing the population to the risk of suffering the worst consequences of the viral infection.

The lockdown , on the other hand, represents the most convenient solution, the one that allows the political class to do nothing and to safeguard the health of the population, only apparently, with a simple administrative measure.

If the possibility of adopting mass confinement were discarded, the health system, for example, would have to be flexible enough to be able to guarantee equal levels of efficiency as workloads increase. A demanding challenge that would require an organizational and managerial effort on which the freedom of 60 million inhabitants would depend. Until now, however, it has been preferred to avoid any effort that would ensure the multiplication of places available in hospitals and to embrace the most comfortable solution, the one that triggers the alarm threshold (and the lockdown ) as soon as the small limit of 30 per one hundred intensive care places occupied by Covid patients. Priority has been given to the need not to stress the health system for the simple fact of having given up on demanding that even under stress, health care provides efficient services.

The imposition of the lockdown , then, also gives peace of mind to those responsible for the vaccination campaign; as long as it is possible to force the population to stay at home, safe from exposure to the infection, there will always be times and ways, in fact, to organize the distribution and administration of the vaccine. The effects on the spread of the virus, delays, dysfunctions and macroscopic errors emerged in the distribution and administration of the vaccine will be mitigated by the possibility of breaking down the contagion curve thanks to the lockdown .

If the challenge of living with the pandemic were accepted, the ruling class would again have to take charge of rethinking the organization of public transport, on which the possibility of ensuring the continuity of the school service and a large part of the efficiency would then depend. of the production system. The ability to multiply the potential of the entire public transport system and rethink the operation of private transport would be required. A bet, also this, which was discarded a priori in the face of the possibility of imposing with a stroke of the pen the domestic isolation of millions of human beings deprived of work and every other fundamental freedom.

Attempts to trace the infected or to isolate (and protect) the subjects that experience has now shown to be the most exposed to the risk of the harmful consequences of the contagion have been considered as a passing joke from social network megalomaniacs. . The lockdown is always at hand and there is no need to deploy innovative organizational resources and solutions to ensure the survival of society and the fight against the pandemic.

Finally, public debt is responsible for softening the dramatic consequences due to the paralysis of an entire production system; also an easy-to-use and readily available tool that protects the Italian ruling class from the worry of finding a way to allow millions of individuals to survive independently despite the virus.

The Italian political class has deliberately renounced to face all the challenges posed by the pandemic. She preferred to take refuge behind the lockdown , to avoid any responsibility, to avoid any risk, to safeguard herself.

The post This is why the lockdown serves more to safeguard the political class than our health appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/ecco-perche-il-lockdown-serve-piu-a-salvaguardare-la-classe-politica-che-la-nostra-salute/ on Tue, 19 Jan 2021 05:05:00 +0000.