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Unjustified closure of schools: the Lazio TAR calls the government, but the media obscure the news

Italy is a really strange country. Newspapers and TV have been showing every detail of the pandemic for more than a year; news that is not news, often unimportant but that is worth keeping millions of readers and viewers glued to a narrative every day more and more alarmist and frightening, have literally submerged public opinion.

The media have disseminated hundreds of newspaper articles and television reports on the search for the first infected, on the shortage of coffins in Bergamo, on doctors and nurses exhausted by heroic sacrifice, on the divergent opinions of experts, virologists and epidemiologists. Every day on the websites of the main newspapers we counted the dead one by one; then, not yet completely satisfied, some newspapers have also published the faces of those who have not made it and every single story of illness full of pain, despair and related silly questions of the fake reporter on duty who asks the relatives of the victims of their state of mind. It was a competition to see who best explained how to go shopping, fasten the mask, wash hands, clean shoes.

At unified networks and with monotonous agitation we were served sermons on the need to respect the rules, not to violate the lockdown , to keep to the distances, not to go running anymore, to give up the walk, to avoid walking the dog. Authorities and the media have tried to convince us that living together with family or friends could be a danger and the celebration of the holidays a tragedy. The police asked us to justify the reasons why we were outdoors instead of staying holed up in the house.

Arrays of microphone stands have collected statements from politicians, ministers, and regional presidents. All the same, all reassuring: stay at home, we'll take care of the rest, we will provide you with the necessary food and what you need to survive.

The images, in particular, were obsessive, repeated dozens of times, always the same: trucks loaded with coffins, poor Christs in intensive care, the infirmary folded over the desk, rows at supermarkets, deserted streets that give a suggestive sense of ghostly landscape , four or five experts in all that after five hundred days of television marathon should be bored even to the most inveterate tele employee.

The media have narrated, they have told what they have seen and what power has given them to eat. Not even the shadow of the watchdog function in defense of the freedom of millions of human beings and the need to go in search of a possible truth to be subjected to critical review. Power has not been put under observation, the most important choices have never been questioned by the press and the proposed solutions have always been accepted without any search for valid and less painful alternatives. The verb of the state was the only accepted official science. To doubt is to deny.

More than four hundred days of the pandemic have been passively smoothed out by the press without any really important critical contribution, out of laziness and convenience. Moreover, it is not new that in our country almost all the media represent a simple and poor offshoot of the political alignments. If you open an online newspaper you already know how it will end, if you pay attention to a newscast you no longer feel any wonder at the cloying partisanship. And then the terror, the fear, the alarm, the shouted tones, sell and sell a lot.

It is therefore no wonder that one of the news that should have occupied the front pages of newspapers and the news and talk show services for days and days has been practically ignored.

A few days ago, the Lazio Regional Administrative Court ordered the Government to review the measures with which it had imposed the automatic closure of schools of all levels in the red zone for months. The executive decision, in fact, would lack an adequate investigation capable of demonstrating the necessity, adequacy and proportionality of such a measure.

There is no trespassing of the powers of the judiciary, there is no invasion of the field. Do not be agitated by the journalists and commentators who use the refrain of the dictatorship of robes even when the intervention of the judges is the only lifeline against the drift of established power. This is precisely the division of powers and can be understood by reading the order of the Administrative Court.

A group of parents of pupils confined to the red zone produce a considerable amount of studies and research before the judges that show that there is no correlation between the opening of schools and the spread or increase of the infection from Covid-19 . These are, in particular, " various scientific studies published by prestigious medical journals, reports on contagion data in the school environment detected in Tuscany and Sicily, as well as scientific reports, (filed on 9.3 and 23.3.2021) issued by experts in epidemiology, biomedical and biostatistics, in which the data provided by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità are funditusly analyzed: these reports arrive at the conclusion that there is no solid and incontrovertible scientific evidence regarding the fact (i) that the infection in the classroom affects the '' general trend of the infection, (ii) that the increase in infection among school-age subjects is linked to the opening of schools, (iii) that the so-called English variant is more widespread only in school age groups, (iv ) that the various variants circulating in the country are resistant to the vaccines in use in Italy, and affirm that "The analyzes conducted here do not show a situation of increased danger in terms of increased infections, spread of school outbreaks, secondary transmission in the school environment, increased risk for school-age individuals of transmitting the so-called English variant with respect to the population. Instead, they represent an enviable situation at the European level of case tracking capacity and therefore in the classification of the Italian scenario according to WHO ”.

Faced with this principle of proof on the absolute ineffectiveness of school closures, the Government and the Scientific Technical Committee have not produced any contrary evidence, nor any scientifically valid principle of proof that the correct application of the precautionary rule required the closure of schools of all levels. Clarifications are needed, therefore, because the limitation of fundamental rights and freedoms must be based on a scientific basis.

The Lazio Regional Administrative Court also noted that the CTS never actually requested the automatic closure of schools in the red zone.

At this point, we must ask ourselves why for months millions of children have not been able to go to school regularly even in the red zone?

Has anyone bothered to verify the authoritativeness of the studies and reports cited by the Administrative Court? Is the lack of correlation highlighted by the judges true or false? Has an in-depth study been carried out on the subject? How will the Government respond to the TAR's request to deepen the investigation and highlight the usefulness of the interruption of the school service?

But above all, the assault journalists, always ready to chase the powerful on duty to ask him for a receipt for a coffee charged to the Chamber of Deputies, those who would like to emulate the true professional investigative sowing terror everywhere talking without knowledge cause of waste, electromagnetic waves, GMOs, and much more, what exactly are they doing right now? Are they perhaps holding up the microphone to collect the latest statements from the politician or epidemiologist on duty with which an entire population is terrified? Isn't it the role of the media to monitor the legitimate limitation of the freedom and right to education of millions of young students?

But what still emerges from the order of the TAR Lazio really leaves you speechless: " the applicants have produced publications that seem to prove, compared to the beginning of the pandemic (March 2020), a significant increase in hospital admissions of adolescents for serious eating disorders and suicide attempts (see in particular documents nos. 131 and 146 of the appellant), as an effect of the progressive social isolation induced by the contagion containment measures, which is why an in-depth assessment of the situation appears urgent in order to restore the activity ordinary teaching, ie in the presence ".

Are these findings true or false? Are they the result of the lucubrations of dangerous deniers or do they deserve to be taken into consideration to verify their reliability, as requested by the Court? If they were to be reliable, what would be the consequences with respect to everything that has been imposed so far?

Because the doubt, however still lacking a sufficient scientific basis, of the danger of the AstraZeneca vaccine deserved the front pages of the newspapers and the alarmed comments of all the maitres a penser on Sunday, while the doubt that arose during a timely and contradictory verification , what is a public process, with regard to the uselessness and harmfulness of school closures should not, however, deserve the attention of all public opinion? What are the reasons that led editors, editors and commentators to cease the usual clamor on the occasion of a well-argued perplexity by a Court of the Republic?

Maybe because with terror and alarm you do business and with calm and rational reflection you lose readers, viewers and advertisements? Maybe because going in search of mistakes and the responsibility of their favorites is not the mission of those who have chosen to belong to a certain journalism?

The post Unjustified school closure: the Lazio TAR recalls the government, but the media obscure the news appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/chiusura-delle-scuole-ingiustificata-il-tar-del-lazio-richiama-il-governo-ma-i-media-oscurano-la-notizia/ on Thu, 01 Apr 2021 03:55:00 +0000.